[Abstract]:Post-modern feminism is a feminist theory of thought developed in the 1980s and 1990s. The post-modern feminism has refused to set up a set of thinking about the theory of feminism, which has broken the tradition of the original feminist philosophy, and is free from the bondage of the feminists who wish to provide authority to explain and solve the women's oppression, and their efforts will undoubtedly be of feminism to pluralism, The development of compound and differential direction has injected new vitality. Post-modern feminism is one of the most exciting developments in the development of contemporary feminist thought. Although the post-modern feminists have different agendas, they are also common in some tendencies, such as they all think in "nothingness", "absent",
"edge" un k>, the "peripheral" and the "be suppressed", hidden all sorts of things that can In addition, they all have a common desire, that is, that they are not subject to binary opposition, that is, the habit of thinking of one or another. This paper tries to start with the origin of post-modern feminism, grasp its main content and logical clue, and deeply into the background of the times and analyze the social and historical roots of post-modern feminism. In the field of philosophy, the author tries to find the philosophical source of post-modern feminism, the post-modern philosophy theory and the modern women. Then the main content and essence of post-modern feminism are analyzed, and the contribution of post-modern feminism is analyzed. The existing problems. Return the text, find the content of Marx's feminist thought and the criticism to the modern feminism, and also analyze the inheritance and criticism of the post-modern feminism to the modern feminism, so that the deeper exploration of the thought of Marx's women's rights to the post-modern feminist thought Criticism and Transcendence. In all the studies on post-modern feminism, few scholars pay attention to the criticism of post-modern feminism in the field of Marx's political philosophy, and from this point of view, to re-recognize the philosophical connotation of post-modern feminism It's a new perspective. It's more of a post-modern feminist study. Pay attention to the supplement of weak places. Pay attention to the liberation of women and the spiritual essence of Marx's political philosophy, not only to guarantee the "the free development of everyone", but also to guarantee the freedom of women under the "The free development of everyone is the premise of the free development of all"
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