[Abstract]:According to the data published in April by the Center for the Evaluation and Research of academic achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences of Renmin University of China, our magazine ranks in the 20th place in the national journals of colleges and universities in the 20th place in the language and literature category. In 2012, 22 papers were reprinted by the National people's Congress (NPC) "Xerox Newspapers and periodicals", ranking 20th in the national journals of colleges and universities, and the ranking is higher than that in the previous few years. Among them, among the journals of language and literature, the journals of our school have been transferred to 14, ranking 12th among the journals of this kind, and ranking first among the journals of national colleges and universities (see table on page 105112 for a more detailed ranking). At present, there are about 1150 kinds of journals sponsored by all kinds of colleges and universities in China, and 397 journals have been reprinted in the full text of the academic journal "photocopying Newspapers and periodicals" in 2012.
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