发布时间:2019-04-09 20:06
【摘要】:新乡,这个地处平原、北依太行、南临黄河的豫北城市,,半个多世纪以来,先后涌现出史来贺、吴金印、张荣锁、裴春亮等一大批闻名全国、誉满神州的先进模范人物,形成了一个独特的“先进群体现象”。 新乡先进群体虽然所任职务不同、奋斗历程各异,但都追求着共同的理想信念和人生目标,用自己的言行诠释着共产党人的根本宗旨。新乡先进群体植根于中华民族浓厚的道德积淀,成长于中国特色社会主义伟大事业的实践沃土,得益于各级党组织的培养教育,离不开人民群众的拥护支持。他们所蕴含的无比坚定的理想信念、艰苦奋斗的优良作风、实事求是的宝贵品质、无私奉献的高尚情操,正是新时期新乡乃至全国经济社会发展不可或缺的精神财富。 当前,河南新乡中原经济区强市建设开局良好、风帆正劲,各项事业蓬勃发展。在这样的新形势下,通过初步探讨和研究新乡先进群体现象的历史成因、典型特征与精神内涵,从而概括总结出新乡先进群体现象的现实价值及其对新乡中原经济区强市建设的启示意义,进而持续扩大新乡先进群体的影响力和感召力,并使之永葆生机和活力,为推进新乡中原经济区强市建设,加快中原崛起、河南振兴,注入新的动力。
[Abstract]:Xinxiang, located in the plain, the northern city of Henan, which is located in the north of Yitaihang and the south of the Yellow River, has successively emerged for more than half a century, such as Shi Laihe, Wu Jinyin, Zhang Ronglock and Pei Chunliang, and a large number of advanced model figures famous throughout the country and well-known as Shenzhou. Formed a unique "advanced group phenomenon". Although the advanced groups in Xinxiang hold different positions and strive for different courses, they all pursue common ideals, beliefs and life goals, and interpret the fundamental purpose of the Communists with their own words and deeds. The advanced groups in Xinxiang are rooted in the strong moral accumulation of the Chinese nation, grow up in the practice of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, benefit from the cultivation and education of party organizations at all levels, and cannot do without the support of the masses. Their incomparably firm ideals and beliefs, the excellent style of hard work, the valuable quality of seeking truth from facts, and the noble sentiment of selfless dedication are the indispensable spiritual wealth of Xinxiang and even the economic and social development of the whole country in the new period. At present, Henan Xinxiang Central Plains Economic Zone construction of a good start, sails are vigorous, the cause of vigorous development. Under such a new situation, through the preliminary discussion and study of the historical causes, typical characteristics and spiritual connotation of the phenomenon of advanced groups in Xinxiang, Thus, it sums up the realistic value of the phenomenon of the advanced group in Xinxiang and its enlightening significance to the construction of a strong city in the Central Plains Economic Zone of Xinxiang, and then continuously expands the influence and inspiring power of the advanced group in Xinxiang, and keeps it alive and energetic forever. In order to promote the construction of Xinxiang Central Plains Economic Zone, speed up the rise of Central Plains, revitalize Henan Province, inject new impetus.
[Abstract]:Xinxiang, located in the plain, the northern city of Henan, which is located in the north of Yitaihang and the south of the Yellow River, has successively emerged for more than half a century, such as Shi Laihe, Wu Jinyin, Zhang Ronglock and Pei Chunliang, and a large number of advanced model figures famous throughout the country and well-known as Shenzhou. Formed a unique "advanced group phenomenon". Although the advanced groups in Xinxiang hold different positions and strive for different courses, they all pursue common ideals, beliefs and life goals, and interpret the fundamental purpose of the Communists with their own words and deeds. The advanced groups in Xinxiang are rooted in the strong moral accumulation of the Chinese nation, grow up in the practice of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, benefit from the cultivation and education of party organizations at all levels, and cannot do without the support of the masses. Their incomparably firm ideals and beliefs, the excellent style of hard work, the valuable quality of seeking truth from facts, and the noble sentiment of selfless dedication are the indispensable spiritual wealth of Xinxiang and even the economic and social development of the whole country in the new period. At present, Henan Xinxiang Central Plains Economic Zone construction of a good start, sails are vigorous, the cause of vigorous development. Under such a new situation, through the preliminary discussion and study of the historical causes, typical characteristics and spiritual connotation of the phenomenon of advanced groups in Xinxiang, Thus, it sums up the realistic value of the phenomenon of the advanced group in Xinxiang and its enlightening significance to the construction of a strong city in the Central Plains Economic Zone of Xinxiang, and then continuously expands the influence and inspiring power of the advanced group in Xinxiang, and keeps it alive and energetic forever. In order to promote the construction of Xinxiang Central Plains Economic Zone, speed up the rise of Central Plains, revitalize Henan Province, inject new impetus.
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