[Abstract]:Engels' view of women is an important guiding ideology in the history of women's liberation. He advocates women's liberation and believes that all women should return to public labor. On the basis of human production, women should also participate in social production activities and socialize domestic work, thus promoting equality between women and men. Based on Engels' theory, this paper studies the efforts made by the Turkish women in Qinghai to get out of their homes and participate in their own cultural behavior activities through improving the level of education and economic status. Through these behavior activities, it plays an important role in the cultural development of the nation, which embodies the influence of the cultural consciousness of the Turkish women on the society and the inheritance and development of the Turkish culture. Under the influence of geographical factors, economic level, educational level and so on, Turkish women can not better play their role in inheriting and developing their own culture, therefore, they can solve the many difficulties encountered by Turkish women in reality. It is also one of the research contents of this paper to make it play its own role better.
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