[Abstract]:It can be seen from the development of the urban grass-roots society in China that in the era of the unit system, the society is completely under the control of the government. With the disintegration of the unit system and the proposal of community construction, the community has gradually become an innovative and dynamic space, and the civil society organizations born at the grass-roots level of the society have begun to break the shackles of the administrative management system. However, the extension and expansion of the party and the government in the community gradually make the relatively independent civil society organizations depend on or subordinate to the state system in terms of power and resources, so civil society organizations "passively" grow up in the process of participation. At the same time, social contradictions continue to highlight, the government from control to cooperation will be a feasible way of urban grass-roots social governance; therefore, the transformation of community governance structure and social management system reform has become a good opportunity to straighten out the social relations between the government and the society in the new period. The classification model of community governance is constructed from two dimensions: the relationship between community governance subjects and the classification of community governance subjects and their functional areas, and the current urban community governance in China is divided into four types: participation, guarantee, omnipotence and capital, and the analysis shows that this model has certain explanatory power. The establishment of cooperative relationship between the state and the society should emphasize their own subjectivity, which also means that there is a boundary for the government to manage the society. Community has become an excellent research field for straightening out the social relations between government and society because of its pluralistic subject and its complex relationship. In the community governance structure, the boundary of the government in the community ends with the "zero organization" in the conventional state and the temporary organization in the unconventional state. In community public service, the boundary of government should stop at its own "duty" and build a good public service system. In terms of space, the government should break the way of dividing the community according to the administrative area and establish the concept of large community.
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