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发布时间:2018-01-05 02:07

  本文关键词:从古罗马角斗活动类型中论证其非体育 出处:《当代体育科技》2015年32期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 角斗活动 类型 属人性 为人性 体育

[Abstract]:Although the concept of sports is still unknown, I dare not agree with some scholars who attribute it to sports. This paper aims at the struggle between man and man, which is the three major types of fighting in ancient Rome. The fight between man and beast, and between beast and beast, is based on the basic attribute of "belonging to human nature" and "human nature" of sports. On the basis of consulting a large number of documents about ancient Roman wrestling activities, this paper demonstrates the relationship between ancient Roman fighting activities and sports. After the deep analysis of the ancient Roman fighting activities, the author thinks that the ancient Roman fighting type runs counter to the nature of sports "belonging to human nature" and "human nature", which promotes the harmonious development of human body and mind. It is concluded that the ancient Roman wrestling is not a sport. In fact, it is an activity of killing and killing animals carried out by the ruling class in ancient Rome in order to consolidate its own interests.
【作者单位】: 江西师范大学体育学院;
【正文快照】: 学术界有关古罗马角斗活动的研究在广度上和深度上成果颇丰,大都直接或间接地将归于体育。角斗竞技,一种本不可取的体育运动,古罗马通过精神的改造将角斗竞技视为一种民族象征,一种民族精神不可缺少的元素[1]。在体育中使用违禁药物的历史中,公元600年古罗马的角斗士就曾使用




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