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发布时间:2018-03-10 15:16

  本文选题:罗文干案 切入点:奥款展期合同 出处:《近代史研究》2016年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The Luo Wen case, which shocked China and foreign countries, has always been regarded as a political frame because of the extension of the Austrian contract. The court finally found the defendant not guilty. There is no doubt that the court's decision has been regarded as conclusive and unquestioned by academic research. But the relevant historical data prove that, The three criminal charges against Luo Wen were not fictitious. In terms of the proceedings, although the initial stage was not standardized, the Council of State claimed that the Luo case had been decided by the court and that the adjudication procedure in the legal field was lawful. Contrary to the protest by Cai Yuanpei and others to safeguard the "independence of the judiciary", there is no legal basis. The acquittal of the defendant in the Luo case, and the resignation of the defendant with Cai Yuanpei, triggered a massive wave of study and law, and formed a strong "outside court trial" environment of public opinion. This case not only shows the complexity of the legal and political relations and the tension between China and foreign countries in modern times, but also reveals the misunderstanding of the Chinese people's understanding of the modernization of the legal system. It suggests that the modernization of legal system in China has a long way to go.
【作者单位】: 四川大学历史文化学院;




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