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发布时间:2018-05-20 00:05

  本文选题:高利贷 + 高利贷禁令 ; 参考:《学理论》2015年09期

[Abstract]:The practice of usury in the Middle Ages of Western Europe is very common. Although there are many ban on usury, it has not caused substantial hindrance, and the ban on usury has gradually disintegrated because it does not accord with the reality of the economic and social development of Western Europe. At that time, the existence and development of usury were mainly manifested in the following aspects: there were many ways to avoid the ban on usury among the people, and there were a wide variety of loan subjects, such as priests, nobles, merchants, single and wealthy people. Widows, etc.; usury ban adjusted with the change of social and economic situation; widespread lending behavior in rural society.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学历史文化学院;


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