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发布时间:2018-05-20 23:23

  本文选题:奢侈 + 反奢侈法 ; 参考:《福建行政学院学报》2015年03期

[Abstract]:As the origin of modern western rule of law civilization , Rome has promulgated a series of anti - luxury laws in the Republic as the origin of modern western rule of law civilization . In addition to the supervision system , Rome has issued a series of anti - luxury laws in the Republic of China . It has the same function in ancient China . Only in the Tang Dynasty , there are more than 20 imperial decrees restricting the excessive expenditure . Historical experience proves that the anti - luxury regulation is general in time and space , and warns us that the formation of good national character is a necessary condition for the long - term effective purification of luxury wind .
【作者单位】: 厦门大学法学院;


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