本文关键词: 海权 中国 重要性 路径依赖 出处:《山西大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 本文研究中国海权发展的重要性和路径依赖问题。 长期以来,由于中华民族海洋意识的淡漠以及受意识形态的影响,中国人对于海权的认识存在种种误区,没有深刻认识到发展海权的重要性,也没有更深入地去思考中国海权的发展方向问题。本文从历史经验和现实挑战两个方面论证发展海权的重要性,解决认识问题;从海洋国土、海洋通道、海洋经济、海上安全等四个方面研究中国海权发展的方向和重点,解决路径依赖问题。 经典意义上的海权指的是一国对海洋的利用和控制,也就是由本国和本民族利用和控制海洋,从而剥夺对手利用海洋的权利和机会。在美国军事家马汉的概念里,“海权论”主张国家要建立和拥有强大的占据优势地位的远洋舰队保护国家的海外贸易、海外市场、海上航行、海外利益,同时把国家的政治意志和外交影响投射到世界,并借以影响事态和进程,制海权的得失是影响一国兴衰的重要杠杆。近代以来的大国兴衰史从正反两方面证明了马汉海权理论的正确性,英国、美国的崛起及对世界的控制得益于对世界海权的牢牢把握,日本的勃兴与海权的攫取息息相关,中国的衰落与海权的丧失紧密相连,历史的经验和教训告诉我们,实现强国战略离不开海权的巨大发展。当前,国际范围内围绕海洋利益的斗争日益激烈,中国的海权现状不容乐观,中国在维护海洋国土、保障海洋通道、发展海洋经济、增强海上防卫等四个方面面临很多挑战,加快海权的发展已是当务之急。 实现中华民族的伟大复兴是全国各族人民的共同心愿,重视海权、发展海权,真正实现中国的强国战略,是完成这一心愿的必由之路。在当前的形势下,进一步加强海洋国土的维护、进一步保障海上交通要道的安全通畅、进一步做强做大海洋经济、进一步增强海上防卫力量是实现海权发展重要路径。
[Abstract]:This paper studies the importance and path dependence of the development of sea power in China. For a long time, due to the indifference of the marine consciousness of the Chinese nation and the influence of ideology, there are various misunderstandings in the understanding of sea power in the Chinese people, and the importance of the development of sea power has not been deeply recognized by the Chinese people. This paper demonstrates the importance of developing sea power from two aspects of historical experience and realistic challenge, and solves the problem of understanding. This paper studies the development direction and key points of China's maritime power from four aspects: sea land, ocean passage, marine economy and maritime safety, and solves the problem of path dependence. In the classical sense, sea power refers to the use and control of the sea by a country, that is, the use and control of the sea by itself and its own people. Thus depriving opponents of the right and opportunity to use the sea. In the concept of Mahan, an American strategist, the theory of sea power advocates that a country should build and possess a powerful ocean-going fleet that occupies a dominant position to protect the country's overseas trade. Overseas markets, maritime navigation, overseas interests, and at the same time project the political will and diplomatic influence of States into the world and influence events and processes. The gain and loss of sea power is an important lever to influence the rise and fall of a country. The rise and fall history of great power since modern times proved the correctness of Mahan's sea power theory from both positive and negative aspects, England. The rise of the United States and the control of the world benefited from a firm grasp of the world's maritime power. The rise of Japan was closely related to the acquisition of sea power, and the decline of China was closely linked to the loss of sea power. Historical experience and lessons tell us that the strategy of realizing a powerful country can not be achieved without the tremendous development of sea power. At present, the struggle around the interests of the sea in the international scope is becoming increasingly fierce, and the status quo of China's sea power is not optimistic. China is faced with many challenges in four aspects, namely, safeguarding maritime land, ensuring ocean passage, developing marine economy and strengthening maritime defense. It is urgent to speed up the development of maritime power. The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the common aspiration of the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country. Paying attention to sea power, developing sea power, and truly realizing China's strategy of becoming a powerful nation are the only way to accomplish this aspiration. It is an important way to realize the development of maritime power to further strengthen the maintenance of marine land, further ensure the safety and unobstructed of the main maritime traffic routes, further strengthen the marine economy and further strengthen the maritime defense forces.
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