发布时间:2018-01-30 17:49
本文关键词: 《越南人权报告》 美国外交 理想主义 现实主义 美越关系 出处:《暨南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:时至今日,美国国务院发表的年度国别人权报告已经历经三十六年,在这期间经历了多届总统的变更,也经受了世界上其他国家对于人权报告的种种质疑和反对。但是,人权报告作为美国外交重要工具,其地位却丝毫没有动摇,而且报告涵盖的国家和地区越来越广,内容也越来越丰富。它已经成为一个表明美国持续关注世界各国的人权状况和承担在世界追求人权责任的象征。 理想主义和现实主义是美国外交的两大传统,并且时常交替使用,本文通过分析美国国务院1995年至2010年公布的《年度国别人权报告:越南部分》,发现美国对越南的外交理念中也同样既有理想主义的一面,,也有现实主义的一面。人权报告中对于越南人的政治权利、社会权利和宗教自由的关注都可以体现出理想主义的一面。但是,美越关系的地缘政治需要和美国国内利益集团政治的影响等因素,会迫使美国所发布的越南人权报告对越南人民的政治权利、社会权利和宗教权利遭践踏或漠视的情况视而不见,或降低批评的力度,这就是美国对越外交中现实主义的一面。
[Abstract]:To this day, the State Department's annual country report on human rights has gone through 36 years, during which time many presidents have changed. However, as an important tool of US diplomacy, the Human Rights report has not wavered in any way. The report has become a symbol of the continued concern of the United States about the human rights situation around the world and its commitment to the pursuit of human rights in the world. Idealism and realism are two traditions of American diplomacy and are often used alternately. Based on the analysis of the Annual country Human Rights report: the Vietnam part, published by the State Department from 1995 to 2010, this paper finds that there is also an idealistic aspect in the diplomatic concept of the United States towards Vietnam. There is also realism. The human rights report's concerns about Vietnamese political, social and religious rights can all reflect idealism. The geopolitical needs of the U.S.-Vietnam relationship and the influence of domestic interest group politics on the political rights of the Vietnamese people will be forced by the Vietnamese human rights report issued by the United States. The fact that social and religious rights have been trampled or ignored, or that criticism has been reduced, is the realistic aspect of American diplomacy towards Vietnam.
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