本文关键词: 国际恐怖主义 国际法 自由战士 联合国宪章 出处:《天津师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Organized and premeditated terrorism began in the second half of 19th century: between 70 and 80s, anarchists carried out "propaganda operations" (terrorist activities, primarily destructive). Their main intention included opposing the authority of all states and advocating the unlimited freedom of the individual. During the development of anarchism, the main thinkers who appeared at different times included: Prudential, Steiner. The Clubautkin anarchists opposed not only the government, but also any authority in general, social discipline, minority support from the majority, in order to build a new anarchic society. Anarchists begin with the destruction of the state, admitting only one thing: destruction. Fear of extreme totalitarianism of the state. Inspired by a lot of semi-fiction literature. Arthur Kusler's Dark at noon and George Orwell's 1984 are examples. The beginning of 20th century has been held up to a high degree of potential tightness. Zhang and potential conflict labels. The reason for this is because of the form of the organization industry. Social relations have changed and the status of mass communication has made great strides. The promotion of social politicization is manifested in two aspects: broad political interests and participation, including international politics. There is a kind of "public opinion". Phenomenon. In fact. This is the beginning of the process, modern belonging to describe it is "modernization"; At that time, the most common (not just Marxist discourse) was "imperialism". At the turn of the century, a very acute national problem and a larger conflict were regarded as ideological struggles. At that time there was a geopolitical doctrine. The latter was intended to solve the dual functional problem of trying to make a new interpretation of the origin and dynamics of international relations. At the same time "serve the foreign policy of a country". Within the framework of the State, ideological and geopolitical struggles were accompanied by terrorism in the first half of 20th century. He has entered the international arena as a policy tool. After a brief historical tour, you have to get into the nature of the work. Given the events of the past few decades. The problem of terrorism has become very serious. During this time, the media has turned the problem into a "noise bomb". Give layman a list of terrorist actions. Sometimes even in a boring report on counter-terrorism activities. All I have to do is highlight and analyze key issues related to counter-terrorism. Any real-world phenomenon requires a precise definition. At this stage, is there a definition of terrorism to meet human needs? I think it is necessary to highlight the importance of this issue, although theoretical work certainly reflects a different definition of the phenomenon in the regulations. But the actual activities of some radical groups do not amount to a willingness to live in peace with a large part of the world. In this regard, a question arises about the mechanisms of the counter-terrorism system. The aim of the study is to define terrorism in national and international law through an analysis of specific periods and at the macro level.
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