本文关键词: 韩国 TPP RECP 出处:《国际观察》2014年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The TPP is expected to become a high level of free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region, led and actively promoted by the Obama administration. South Korea, as an important U.S. ally in the Asia-Pacific region, is a major U. S. target. South Korea has been hesitant to join the TPP. In March 2013, Japan officially became a negotiator of the TPP. South Korea also announced its accession to the TPP negotiations. Japan's accession is the direct reason for South Korea's accession, and the main reason is to strengthen the cohesion of the Korea-US alliance. Participation in rulemaking and enhancing the competitiveness of the country's economy are the fundamental motivations. The challenges faced by South Korea in joining the TPP mainly come from the opposition of the relevant departments of the country. The Chinese factor and how to choose between the TPP and other regional trade organizations. Taken together, South Korea should try to push for a free trade agreement between China, Japan and South Korea at the same time. Adopt a "two-track strategy" between TPP and RCEP; And fundamentally improve the competitiveness of domestic industries, and actively respond to the trend of regional trade liberalization.
【作者单位】: 山东大学政治学与公共管理学院;山东大学亚太研究所;
【正文快照】: TPP的全称是《跨太平洋伙伴关系协议》(T r a n s-P a c i f i c P a r t n e r s h i pA g r e e m e n t),是由新加坡、文莱、新西兰和智利四国于2 0 0 5年签订的《跨太平洋经济战略伙伴关系协定》(T r a n s-P a c i f i c S t r a t e g i c E c o n o m i c P a r t n e
相关重要报纸文章 前6条
1 本报驻日本记者 于青;日本被“一分为二”[N];人民日报;2011年
2 本报专稿 陶然;美国:拉拢日本不容易[N];世界报;2010年
3 本报驻东京记者 严圣禾;野田为奥巴马准备大礼包[N];光明日报;2011年
4 王鸣鸣 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所;美国重返东亚谋掌控[N];中国社会科学报;2011年
5 卜晓明;日本拟加入亚太自贸圈[N];新华每日电讯;2010年
6 日本企业(中国)研究院执行院长 陈言;“野田号内阁”浓雾中起航[N];中国经营报;2011年
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2 王奇伟;TPP对中国参加亚太地区经济一体化的挑战及应对[D];河南大学;2013年
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