本文关键词: 美国对华战略 接触战略 中美关系 特朗普 出处:《世界经济与政治》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Trump's election as president has brought greater uncertainty to the future strategy of the United States towards China, and its various words and deeds concerning China seem to reflect a strong "non-traditional" color. However, looking back at the history since the end of the Cold War, With the relative position of China and the United States in the international system changing from "internal and external, strong or weak" relations to "two powerful powers within the system", the US strategy towards China has in fact been developing and evolving along a coherent line of internal logic. Its core thoughts have evolved from "contact" to "contact prevention" and to "contact regulation". In general, the proportion of negative elements in the United States' strategy towards China has gradually expanded. However, the endogenetic factors of the continuous development of Sino-US relations have provided a "backing" force for the United States' China strategy. The words and deeds of Trump in his China policy up to now accord with the main line of this long-term strategic logic evolution, and it is the gradual adjustment of the United States' strategy towards China. The latest attempt in the evolution. The adjustment may target what the United States defines as "reciprocity," with the "trading" feature that Trump is keen on. The rise and fall of forces within the Trump team, Whether the level of its future strategy towards China will focus on "America first" or return to the Republican Party's traditional great power game, the interaction between China and the United States will shape the direction of its strategy towards China towards cooperation or conflict.
【作者单位】: 中国现代国际关系研究院美国研究所;
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