本文关键词: 冲之鸟礁 争议 经济地位 战略地位 应对策略 出处:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:冲之鸟礁位于日本南部太平洋海域,北纬20°2532",东经136°452",距离东京南偏西约1740千米、冲绳东南约1100千米、关岛西北约1200千米、同时距硫黄岛约720千米、小笠原群岛的父岛约910千米、西距台湾岛约1600千米、南距帕劳约1000千米。冲之鸟礁地处日本公布的“四至点”中的最南端(最南端:冲之鸟岛,隶属东京都小笠原村,由两块露出海面高约1米的礁石组成的岛屿,由日本政府直接管理,普通人难以到达。),台湾岛东南方向,是日本唯一位于北回归线以南属热带气候的礁石。 日本通过各种方式对冲之鸟礁进行人工加固,无论从实际上还是从立法上都极力肯定冲之鸟礁岛屿的地位,,以获得200海里专属经济区和大陆架延伸;而中国方面根据《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约》)的相关规定,有充分的理由认为冲之鸟礁不是“岛屿”,拥有200海里专属经济区和大陆架延伸是不合国际法规定的。近年来,无论是我国的官方言论还是众多学者研究,从来都认为冲之鸟礁是礁石,不能够拥有专属经济区和大陆架延伸。 日本此举有深层次的考虑,一旦冲之鸟礁被认定为“岛屿”,那么它将同“岛屿”一样享有200海里的专属经济区,并以此为基点获得大陆架延伸。据此计算,日本将获得周边43万平方千米的专属经济区域,比日本38万平方千米的国土面积还要广阔,并与本土、冲绳岛、南鸟岛等岛屿的排他经济水域连成一片,形成巨大的包围整个日本国土的专属经济区,这其中蕴含着丰富的海洋资源。在该海域内,日本拥有其管辖权,还享有对建造和使用人工岛及其设施和结构的管辖权;对海洋科学研究的管辖权和对海洋环境保护与保全的管辖权。 除了经济利益之外,更重要的是冲之鸟礁的战略地位。如果冲之鸟礁获得专属经济区和大陆架的延伸,将占据中间相当大的一片海域。根据《公约》中沿海国对专属经济区享有的权利,一旦这一海域成为日本专属经济区,其他国家军舰、飞机等经过该区域时需向沿海国报告,且不得随意出入,其行动自由会受到极大限制;其次,其他国家也不能够自由地在这一区域进行海底勘探或海底资源开发,即使进行有关科学研究,也必须遵照《公约》中第248条的规定,需提前向日本相关部门提出申请,并提供相应计划、目标、船名、吨位、所载装备以及具体路线等资料,无疑会对其他国家的正当利益造成损害。 因此,我国要采取相应的应对策略。本文从三个方面提出了建言:一、增强海洋实力,积极勘探冲之鸟礁周边海域。二、依据“先例”原则使日本放弃不当海洋权益。三、联合周边国家共同维护合法海洋权益。
[Abstract]:Located in the Pacific Ocean of southern Japan, latitude 20 掳2532 "north, longitude 136 掳452" east, it is about 1740 km west of Tokyo, 1100 km southeast of Okinawa, 1200 km northwest of Guam, 720 km from Tauhuang Island and 910 km from Ogasawara Islands. Located at the southernmost tip of the "four-point" announced by Japan (southernmost: chongzhiao Island, belonging to the Ogasawara village of Tokyo), it is about 1,600 kilometers west of Taiwan Island and about 1,000 kilometers to the south of Palau. The islands, consisting of two reefs about 1 meters above sea level, are administered directly by the Japanese government and difficult for ordinary people to reach. Southeast of Taiwan Island, Japan is the only reef in a tropical climate south of the Tropic of Cancer. In order to obtain the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone and the extension of continental shelf, Japan has made great efforts to affirm the status of the island of the bird reef in practice and in legislation by means of artificial reinforcement of the bird reef in various ways. The Chinese side, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), There are good reasons to believe that the Rong Bird Reef is not an "island" and that having an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles and an extension of the continental shelf is not in accordance with international law. It has always been considered a reef to have an exclusive economic zone and an extension of the continental shelf. Japan's move is based on deep considerations that, once the reef is identified as an "island," it will enjoy an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles, along with the island, on which the extension of the continental shelf can be obtained. Japan will acquire an exclusive economic area of 430,000 square kilometers around it, which is larger than Japan's 380,000 square kilometers, and will be linked to the exclusive economic waters of the mainland, Okinawa, Nangao and other islands. Forming a huge exclusive economic zone surrounding the entire Japanese territory, which contains abundant marine resources. In this sea area, Japan has its jurisdiction, as well as jurisdiction over the construction and use of artificial islands and their facilities and structures; Jurisdiction over marine scientific research and over the protection and preservation of the marine environment. In addition to economic benefits, more important is the strategic position of the rocky reef. If the reef is extended to the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, Will occupy a considerable area in the middle. According to the rights of coastal States in the Convention over the exclusive economic zone, once the sea area becomes the exclusive economic zone of Japan, warships and aircraft of other countries are required to report to the coastal State when passing through the zone, And that their freedom of movement would be severely restricted; secondly, other States would not be free to carry out seabed exploration or exploitation of seabed resources in the area, even if the relevant scientific research were carried out, In accordance with the provisions of Article 248 of the Convention, it is also necessary to apply in advance to the relevant Japanese authorities and to provide information on the corresponding plans, objectives, names of ships, tonnage, equipment contained therein and specific routes, etc. There is no doubt that the legitimate interests of other countries will be jeopardized. Therefore, our country should adopt corresponding countermeasures. This paper puts forward some suggestions from three aspects: first, to strengthen the ocean strength and actively explore the sea area around the bird reef; second, to make Japan give up its improper maritime rights and interests according to the principle of "precedent"; third, to make Japan give up its improper maritime rights and interests according to the "precedent" principle. Unite with neighboring countries to jointly safeguard legal maritime rights and interests.
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