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发布时间:2018-03-01 10:31

  本文关键词: 全球气候治理 特朗普政府 巴黎协定 国家自主贡献 出处:《中国人口·资源与环境》2017年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The announcement by the Trump administration of the United States to withdraw from the Paris Agreement is the most topical issue in current global climate governance. Judging the trend of events and assessing the impact of events are most urgently needed. This paper systematically analyzes a series of "de-climate" policies pursued by the Trump administration after taking office, as well as the main reasons and possible forms of its withdrawal from the Paris Accord. At the same time, it quantitatively assesses the substantial impact of these "setbacks" in domestic and foreign affairs on the implementation of the goals of national ownership by the United States and on the global climate governance landscape, Based on this, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for China to cope with the changes in the new situation of global climate governance. The research shows that the Trump administration's "US priority" energy policy is rooted in the economic interest motive of reviving manufacturing and increasing infrastructure investment. As Trump's "de-climate" process continues to ferment, many climate policies are at risk for survival. The implementation of national ownership by the United States will face serious challenges, and the "reverse policy" could lead to a rebound in greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. On 2025, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions fell only 11.0-14.9 from 2005, far from the goal of a 26 to 28 percent decline in national independent contributions. At the same time, the Trump administration refused to continue to meet its obligation to provide climate finance support to developing countries. This could lead to an increase in the total amount of arrears in the Green Climate Fund and further dampen confidence in global low-carbon investment. The 3.0 era of global climate governance without the United States will take on new and complex features and inevitably result in emissions reductions, The continued widening of the funding and leadership gap does not preclude a negative follower in the follow-up, and the overall process could enter a low tide cycle. Although the international community is hopeful that China will lead global climate governance, However, China should still be cautious and plan its domestic and diplomatic strategy to tackle climate change in the long run, rather than viewing "climate flag raising" as a short-term strategy that can be achieved overnight. Keep a clear mind over all kinds of claims that China should play a "leading role". In future climate negotiations, the United States is still more likely to "ask for a price" twice, and the pressure on China as a major emitter is still not to be underestimated. The climate relationship between China and the United States needs to be reoriented.
【作者单位】: 国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心;清华大学现代管理研究中心;
【基金】:中国清洁发展机制基金项目“主要缔约方2015协议下自主贡献的公平性和力度评估”(批准号:2014094)、“中美气候变化务实合作技术支撑项目”(批准号:2013019) 科技部改革发展专项研发项目“INDC及其全球盘点机制的影响及对策研究”之“巴黎会议后应对气候变化急迫重大问题研究”(批准号:YJ201603)


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