本文选题:中东国家 切入点:中国公民 出处:《外交学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国和中东各国人民之间的友好交往历史悠久。近年来,随着“走出去”战略的实施和“一带一路”战略构想的提出,中国的国家利益不断向外拓展,越来越多的国民走出国门,分布在全球各地。中东地区自古以来就是各种势力争夺的焦点,也是当今世界政治、经济、军事最敏感的地区之一。中国公民在中东的安全问题日益复杂严峻。 通过对中国领事服务网站安全提醒信息(从2006年6月至2015年4月底)进行统计和对在中东国家旅游过、工作过以及仍在中东工作的人员进行采访,笔者将中国公民在中东国家的安全风险大致分为政治风险、社会治安风险、因中国公民自身违法违规行为所带来的安全风险、恐怖袭击、流行性传染病、意外安全事故、经济诈骗和自然灾害这八大类别。综合看来,,较高的政治风险、频发的恐怖袭击、复杂的宗教习俗是在中东的中国公民所面临的安全风险的三大特点。针对中东地区存在复杂多样的安全风险,我国政府、企业和公民个人积极采取措施,共同应对。但是也存在一些需要改进的问题,比如在国家政府层面上,主要是中国领事保护机制上存在不足;在企业层面上,投资前期调查不够,安全防范意识薄弱以及安全保护制度建设有待完善等等;在公民个人层面上,公民法律意识、风险防范意识以及自救能力亟需加强等。针对以上问题,笔者提出了一些改进措施,如国家进一步完善领事保护机制;企业做足前期考察,提高安全防范意识以及完善安全保护机制等等;公民个人提高法律意识,增强自救能力,积极融入当地社会等。
[Abstract]:The friendly exchanges between China and the peoples of the Middle East have a long history. In recent years, with the implementation of the "going out" strategy and the strategic concept of "Belt and Road", China's national interests have been continuously expanded outwards. More and more people have gone abroad and distributed all over the world. The Middle East region has been the focus of contention by all kinds of forces since ancient times, and it is also the political and economic situation in the world today. One of the most sensitive parts of the military. The security of Chinese citizens in the Middle East is becoming increasingly complex. By conducting statistics on the security alert information on Chinese consular service websites (from June 2006 to the end of April 2015) and by interviewing people who have travelled, worked and still worked in the Middle East, The author roughly divides the security risks of Chinese citizens in Middle Eastern countries into political risks, social security risks, security risks brought about by Chinese citizens' own illegal activities, terrorist attacks, epidemic infectious diseases, and accidental safety accidents. Eight categories of economic fraud and natural disasters. Taken together, high political risks, frequent terrorist attacks, Complex religious practices are the three major characteristics of the security risks faced by Chinese citizens in the Middle East. In view of the complex and diverse security risks in the Middle East, our government, enterprises and individual citizens actively take measures. But there are also some problems that need to be improved. For example, at the national government level, mainly in China's consular protection mechanism, there are deficiencies; at the enterprise level, the pre-investment investigation is not enough. The weak awareness of security prevention and the construction of security protection system need to be improved, and so on. At the level of individual citizen, citizen's legal consciousness, risk prevention consciousness and self-rescue ability need to be strengthened. The author puts forward some improvement measures, such as the further improvement of consular protection mechanism by the state, the early inspection of enterprises, the improvement of safety prevention consciousness and the perfection of security protection mechanism, and the enhancement of individual citizens' awareness of law and their ability to save themselves. Actively integrate into local society, etc.
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