本文选题:经济利益 切入点:价值观 出处:《复旦大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:从20世纪90年代开始,中国与德国都摆脱了冷战的格局,逐步跃上国际舞台。综观中国,从过去被国际所孤立,到加速经济改革开放,如今成为泱泱大国,在许多国际事务上开始发挥影响力。拥有庞大的市场以及丰富的资源,以和平崛起的模式,与各国进行多方面交流,足见中国的全球政治经济影响力已不可被漠视。 西方世界的强国德国,在统一之后,国家实力大幅提升,极力谋求更高的国际地位,从科尔(Helmut Kohl)执政开始,历经施罗德(Gerhard Schroder)到现在的默克尔(Angela Merkel),无一不在外交政策上精心琢磨,希望为德国创造更大的国家利益。自德国现任总理默克尔自执政以后,数年来已多次被评选为全球最有影响力,以及全球最有权力的女性排行榜首位,在她的领导之下,德国正迅速地恢复昔日的光荣。 施罗德自1998年上任执政后奉行的是“经济外交”,在他的任期内6度访问中国,对推动中德经贸关系付出极大的心血和努力,使中德外交关系迈入史无前例的密切友好阶段,施罗德更被中国媒体称为中国人民的老朋友、最受中国人欢迎的德国友人。默克尔2005年接替施罗德执政以来,相较于前任,在对中国外交政策上做出了调整,采取“价值观外交”、“经济外交”两面押注,在政治面向上利用价值观外交给予中国政府压力;在经济面向上则与施罗德相同,采取经济外交政策,无疑的都是为了替德国创造最大的国家利益。在文章中将比较施罗德及默克尔对华外交政策的异同,并探讨其施政的背景因素。 中德关系的良好发展事关两国的经济利益,施罗德任期内主要以经济外交为手段,建立起良好的中德关系,默克尔上台后,推行价值观外交及经济外交,尽管价值观外交让中德政治关系历经了一段低潮期,但两国的经济关系并没有因此而陷入低谷,反而是平稳的持续发展。在现今相互依存如此高的世界体系之下,无论是中国或是德国,都不会希望双方交往关系出现僵局,双方都希望看到彼此双赢的局面。
[Abstract]:Since 1990s, both China and Germany have emerged from the Cold War and gradually jumped onto the international stage. Looking at China, from being isolated by the international community in the past to accelerating economic reform and opening up, China has now become a great country. China's global political and economic influence cannot be ignored because it has a huge market and abundant resources and exchanges with other countries in a peaceful way. After reunification, Germany, a powerful power in the western world, has greatly increased its national strength and strived for a higher international status, beginning with the ruling of Helmut Kohl. From Schroder Gerhard Schroder) to Angela Merkeler, who is now Angela Merkeler, she has pondered over foreign policy in the hope of creating greater national interests for Germany. Since the current German Chancellor Angela Merkel came to power, Germany is rapidly returning to its former glory under several years of being voted the world's most influential and powerful woman in the world. Since taking office in 1998, Schroeder has pursued "economic diplomacy." during his six visits to China during his term of office, Schroeder made great efforts and made great efforts to promote Sino-German economic and trade relations, thus bringing Sino-German diplomatic relations to an unprecedented stage of close friendship. Schroeder has also been described by the Chinese media as an old friend of the Chinese people and the most popular German friend of the Chinese people. Since Merkel took over from Schroeder in 2005, she has made adjustments to China's foreign policy in comparison with her predecessors. "value diplomacy" and "economic diplomacy" are two sides of the bet, using value diplomacy to put pressure on the Chinese government on the political side; on the economic side, it is the same as Schroeder's and adopting an economic foreign policy. There is no doubt that the purpose is to create the greatest national interest for Germany. In this article, we will compare the similarities and differences between Schroeder and Merkel's foreign policy towards China and discuss the background factors of their governance. The good development of Sino-German relations has a bearing on the economic interests of the two countries. Schroeder mainly used economic diplomacy as a means to establish good Sino-German relations during her term of office. After Merkel took office, she carried out value diplomacy and economic diplomacy. Although the diplomacy of values has led to a period of low political relations between China and Germany, the economic relations between the two countries have not fallen into a trough, but have developed steadily and continuously. Under such a highly interdependent world system, Neither China nor Germany wants an impasse in their relations, and both sides want to see a win-win situation with each other.
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