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  本文选题:奥巴马 切入点:美国 出处:《外交学院》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中东地处欧亚非三大洲交界处,扼守战略要冲,战略地位十分重要。中东拥有丰富的能源资源,是世界上主要油气生产和出口地区。与此同时,该地区民族林立,宗教派别繁多,历史纠葛不断,长期以来一直是世界上矛盾和争夺最激烈、局部冲突和战争最多的热点地区,其中以巴以冲突、伊拉克问题、阿富汗问题和伊朗核问题尤为突出。美国历届政府高度重视中东地区,尽管实施的中东政策各有差异,但其根本目的是维护美国在中东地区利益和战略目标。美国中东政策的走向,也关系到整个中东地区的稳定与和平。 本文主要通过比较法,首先回顾了第二次世界大战后美国历届政府的中东政策,着重将奥巴马政府与小布什政府的中东政策进行比较分析,重点论述奥巴马政府对美国中东政策调整的背景和内容,并分析“阿拉伯之春”背景下美国中东政策的新发展与新动向。笔者认为,小布什政府的激进中东政策使美国深陷伊拉克、阿富汗两场战争的泥潭,加之全球金融危机的深刻影响,美国国家实力受到一定程度的削弱,奥巴马上任之初不得不对美国中东政策进行大幅度调整,转而采取战略收缩,奉行务实温和做法,运用“软实力”,提倡利用多边主义和对话协商解决问题,着力改善美国在中东乃至国际上的形象,力图缓和美国与阿拉伯、伊斯兰世界矛盾。此外,奥巴马还重点解决中东热点问题,加紧从伊拉克撤军、软硬两手解决伊朗核问题、推进中东和平进程。然而正当奥巴马的中东政策初显成效之时,一股被称为“阿拉伯之春”的民主革命浪潮率先在突尼斯爆发,并迅速蔓延至整个西亚北非地区,造成地区形势持续动荡,其中埃及、巴林、也门、沙特和约旦等亲美阿拉伯国家首当其冲,受波及较深,国内稳定受到严重影响,实力出现下滑。伊朗渔翁得利,不断扩大其在地区影响,伊朗核问题也再度成为地区焦点。作为伊朗坚强盟友的叙利亚国内形势不断恶化,叙局势随之成为美俄、美伊在地区角力的重要舞台。奥巴马面对西亚北非地区局势突变,对其上任之初的中东政策再次进行调整,逐渐加大对亲美阿拉伯国家的安抚,加强对利比亚、伊朗、叙利亚的干涉,美在中东的战略收缩政策有所放缓。但另一方面,尽管目前美国家实力受到削弱,美仍将继续实施全球特别是中东地区的战略收缩政策,但美在全球的霸权地位没有动摇,,美维护其中东利益和战略目标的决心不会改变,美中东政策将继续保持务实、复杂并充满矛盾。
[Abstract]:The Middle East is located at the junction of the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa. It has a strategic thrust and a very important strategic position. The Middle East has abundant energy resources and is a major oil and gas production and export region in the world. At the same time, the region is inhabited by ethnic groups. There are many religious factions and historical disputes. For a long time, it has been a hot spot in the world where contradictions and conflicts are most intense, local conflicts and wars are the most frequent, among which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iraq issue. The Afghan issue and the Iranian nuclear issue are particularly prominent. Successive US administrations have attached great importance to the Middle East region, despite the differences in their respective Middle East policies. However, its fundamental purpose is to safeguard the interests and strategic objectives of the United States in the Middle East region, and the direction of the United States' Middle East policy is also related to the stability and peace of the entire Middle East region. Through comparative law, this paper first reviews the Middle East policies of the successive US administrations after the second World War, focusing on the comparative analysis of the Middle East policies of the Obama administration and the Bush administration. This paper mainly discusses the background and content of the adjustment of Obama administration's Middle East policy to the United States, and analyzes the new development and new trend of American Middle East policy under the background of "Arab Spring". The radical Middle East policy of the Bush administration has plunged the United States into the quagmire of two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the profound impact of the global financial crisis, and the strength of the United States has been weakened to a certain extent. At the beginning of his term of office, Obama had to make a drastic adjustment to the US Middle East policy, and instead adopted a strategic contraction, followed a pragmatic and moderate approach, used "soft power," and advocated the use of multilateralism and dialogue and negotiation to solve the problem. Efforts will be made to improve the image of the United States in the Middle East and even internationally, in an effort to ease the contradiction between the United States and the Arab and Islamic world. In addition, Obama has also focused on resolving hot issues in the Middle East, stepping up the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, and resolving the Iranian nuclear issue with both soft and hard hands. Advancing the Middle East peace process. However, just as Obama's Middle East policy was beginning to bear fruit, a wave of democratic revolution known as the "Arab Spring" broke out first in Tunisia and spread rapidly throughout West Asia and North Africa. Causing continued regional instability, with Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Jordan and other pro-American Arab countries bearing the brunt, deeply affected, seriously affecting domestic stability and declining in strength. With the expansion of its influence in the region, the Iranian nuclear issue has once again become a regional focus. As Iran's strong ally, Syria's domestic situation is deteriorating, and the situation in Syria has subsequently become the United States and Russia. The United States and Iraq play an important role in the regional struggle. In the face of the sudden change in the situation in West Asia and North Africa, Obama has again adjusted his Middle East policy at the beginning of his term of office, gradually increased his pacification to the pro-American Arab countries and strengthened his efforts to Libya and Iran. Syria's intervention, the US strategic contraction policy in the Middle East has slowed down. But on the other hand, despite the current weakening of US national strength, the United States will continue to implement the global strategic contraction policy, especially in the Middle East region. However, the United States has not wavered in its hegemonic position in the world, the determination of the United States to safeguard its interests and strategic objectives in the Middle East will not change, and its Middle East policy will continue to be pragmatic, complex and full of contradictions.


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