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  本文选题:环境合作 切入点:中日关系 出处:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中日关系一直是中国最重要的双边关系乃至对外关系之一,中日两国自1972年正式建交以来,关系一直呈波浪式发展的态势,双方因为一些矛盾和分歧,如历史问题、领土纠纷等,始终没有使两国关系走上稳定发展的轨道,其中较为重要的一个内在因素正是双方互信的缺失。这种互信缺失造成的最为直接的后果是两国国内民族主义的膨胀,它甚至成为一道双方客观看待两国关系的屏障,尤其对于两国人民来说更是如此。然而,这种互信的缺失并非短时间和某种单个因素造成的,它既根源于两国的历史恩怨,也受制于两国政府尤其是民众之间较低的互动程度。因此,解决两国间互信缺失的问题则成为一项长期而艰巨的工程。中日两国关系的平稳发展有赖于双方在互信基础上实现多个领域的合作,在政治、经济以及安全领域形成良好互动,以稳定两国关系发展的基础。 纵观中日两国的各个合作领域,环境合作是目前中日双边合作中相对而言最有成效,也是互动程度较深的领域。首先是由于双方在这一领域的合作开始较早,有着长久的历史;其次,双方在这一领域展开合作的主体较为广泛,不仅涉及到两国政府,而且囊括了一些非政府组织甚至是个人。加之环境问题的热点性,双方更有可能以此为契机,借助中日环境合作主体间的互动,增强两国的互信度和认同度,,并以环境合作为平台,实现双边对话和交流,不断推动双方的政治理解,经济发展以及安全合作,丰富两国关系的内涵,从而发挥中日环境合作对两国关系的推动作用。 环境问题受到普遍关注始于上个世纪七十年代,中日建交同样产生于这一时期,中日两国的环境合作也恰恰在这一时期开始,三个时间点的契合引起了笔者的一些思考:中日环境合作几乎伴随着中日两国关系的发展。可以说,中日环境合作是两国较早合作的领域之一,而且从目前的状况看,中日环境合作历经三十多年的发展,也的确获得了不少成绩,被视为是“中日两国之间合作与交流最活跃、最有成效和最具潜力的领域之一”,①堪称“中日合作的典范”。由于环境问题的“外溢效应”②及“扩散效应”,中日两国在此领域更是存在诸多共同利益。笔者正是抓住两国在环境领域的成功合作这条线索,以合作双方主体间的互动为切入点,分析环境合作对两国关系发展的推动作用。这一推动作用主要由环境合作带来的“外溢效应”①所体现,即两国通过环境合作这一平台,逐渐增多两国政府间和民间的交流与对话,从而增强两国间的互信程度,最终使环境合作对两国的政治关系、经济关系乃至安全关系产生一定的积极影响,并进一步对中日关系产生推动作用。这也是笔者试图探求中日关系改善一个新的突破口。
[Abstract]:Sino-Japanese relations have always been one of the most important bilateral relations and even foreign relations in China. Since the formal establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972, relations between China and Japan have been developing in a wave fashion. The two sides have been developing in waves because of some contradictions and differences, such as historical issues. The territorial dispute has never put relations between the two countries on a stable track of development. One of the more important internal factors is the lack of mutual trust between the two sides. The most direct consequence of this lack of mutual trust is the expansion of nationalism in the two countries. It has even become a barrier for both sides to view their relations objectively, especially for the peoples of the two countries. However, this lack of mutual trust is not caused by a short period of time or a single factor. It is rooted in the historical grievances of the two countries. Also constrained by the low level of interaction between the governments of the two countries, especially the population. Resolving the problem of mutual trust between the two countries has become a long-term and arduous project. The smooth development of Sino-Japanese relations depends on the realization of cooperation in many fields on the basis of mutual trust, and the good interaction between the two sides in the political, economic, and security fields. In order to stabilize the basis for the development of bilateral relations. Looking at the various fields of cooperation between China and Japan, environmental cooperation is the most effective and highly interactive field in the current bilateral cooperation between China and Japan. First of all, the cooperation between the two sides in this field began relatively early. It has a long history; secondly, the main body of cooperation between the two sides in this field is relatively broad, involving not only the two governments, but also some non-governmental organizations and even individuals. The two sides are more likely to take this opportunity to enhance the degree of mutual trust and recognition between the two countries through the interaction between the main bodies of Sino-Japanese environmental cooperation, and to use environmental cooperation as a platform to realize bilateral dialogue and exchanges, and to continuously promote political understanding between the two sides. Economic development and security cooperation enrich the connotation of bilateral relations, thus giving play to the role of Sino-Japanese environmental cooperation in promoting bilateral relations. Environmental issues have received widespread attention since -30s, when the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan also originated during this period, and the environmental cooperation between China and Japan also began during this period. The agreement between the three points in time has aroused some thoughts of the author: Sino-Japanese environmental cooperation is almost accompanied by the development of Sino-Japanese relations. It can be said that Sino-Japanese environmental cooperation is one of the early areas of cooperation between the two countries, and from the current situation, After more than 30 years of development, Sino-Japanese environmental cooperation has indeed made a lot of achievements and is regarded as "the most active cooperation and exchange between China and Japan." One of the most effective and potential fields is "the model of Sino-Japanese cooperation". Because of the "spillover effect" and "diffusion effect" of environmental problems, China and Japan have many common interests in this field. The clue of successful cooperation in the field of environment between the two countries, From the point of view of the interaction between the two parties, this paper analyzes the role of environmental cooperation in promoting the development of bilateral relations, which is mainly reflected by the "spillover effect" brought about by environmental cooperation, that is, through the platform of environmental cooperation between the two countries. Gradually increasing the exchange and dialogue between the two governments and people, thus enhancing the degree of mutual trust between the two countries, and finally making environmental cooperation have a certain positive impact on the political, economic and even security relations between the two countries. It is also a new breakthrough for the author to explore the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations.


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