发布时间:2018-04-21 19:17
本文选题:非洲国家 + 民主化 ; 参考:《外交学院》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:非洲国家的民主化进程是一个长期、复杂的政治、社会、文化转型过程,它实际上自非洲国家独立之日便已开始,期间经历了独立初期试验性的多党制和上世纪70-80年代向一党制和军政权集体转向,上世纪90年代以来的多党民主运动只是这一进程的一个阶段。 中非关系发展史表明,中国始终都是非洲国家民主化进程的重要参与者和积极推动者,在帮助非洲国家实现民族解放和政治独立、推动经济发展和社会进步等方面都发挥了独特作用,受到非洲国家的广泛欢迎和认可。 未来的非洲国家民主化进程,总体趋势稳步向前,但仍存在一些不确定性因素。在与非洲国家具体国情相适应和磨合的过程中,多党制进一步非洲本土化。西方国家仍将是重要的外部推动力,而非盟等非洲地区组织也将获得一定的发挥作用空间。 非洲国家的民主化对未来中非关系发展的影响利弊兼有。一方面,它为中非合作提供了更为稳定的政治保障和新的机遇与空间,中国也受到非洲国家更多的重视和借重。另一方面,大选政治对中非关系的发展造成一定冲击,西方国家借民主化之机竭力干扰和限制中非关系正常发展,民主化进程中的不确定性也成为影响中非务实合作的重要政治风险。
[Abstract]:The process of democratization in African countries has been a long and complex process of political, social and cultural transformation, which has actually begun on the day of independence of African countries. During this period, it experienced the experimental multiparty system in the early period of independence and the transition to one-party system and military power in the 1970s and 1980s, and the multi-party democratic movement since the 1990s was only one stage of this process. The history of Sino-African relations shows that China has always been an important participant and active promoter in the democratization process of African countries and has helped African countries achieve national liberation and political independence. It has played a unique role in promoting economic development and social progress, and has been widely welcomed and recognized by African countries. The overall trend in the future democratization of African countries is moving steadily forward, but there are still some uncertainties. In the process of adapting and adapting to the specific conditions of African countries, the multi-party system is further localized in Africa. Western countries will remain an important external driver, while African regional organisations such as the African Union will have some room to play. The democratisation of African countries will have both advantages and disadvantages on the development of Sino-African relations in the future. On the one hand, it has provided a more stable political guarantee and new opportunities and space for China-Africa cooperation, and China has also received more attention and borrowing from African countries. On the other hand, the politics of the general election have had a certain impact on the development of Sino-African relations. Western countries have taken the opportunity of democratization to interfere with and restrict the normal development of China-Africa relations. Uncertainty in the process of democratization has also become an important political risk affecting practical cooperation between China and Africa.
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