本文选题:戈尔巴乔夫 + 邓小平 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文主要对上个世纪80年代,戈尔巴乔夫和邓小平在外交关系方面的改革进行探究。通过对比与思考,得出中苏两国在对外战略上的经验和教训。 本文共分为四个大部分,分别为八十年代的世界战略格局、中苏外交政策改革之共性、中苏外交政策调整之差异、以及对外交政策的评价。 正文第一部分主要分析了八十年代的世界战略格局。美攻苏守的力量对比,使苏联不得不进行战略收缩。同时苏联自身在经济、政治方面的弊病暴露无遗。此时,世界政治格局多元化已经初见端倪,日本、欧盟在国际舞台上谋求新的国际地位,中国的国际地位也在日益上升。 第二部分要写中苏外交政策改革之共性。邓小平和戈尔巴乔夫都认为核战争打不起来,世界和平是总趋势,对世界形势有了新的认识。同时,在对内进行改革的同时,需要一个相对有利的和平环境。并且,邓小平和戈尔巴乔夫分别希望中国和苏联以新形象登上国际舞台:中国要走“和平崛起”之路,苏联则为了“全人类”的利益而奋斗。 第三部分写了中苏外交政策调整之差异。中国一贯坚持独立自主的外交原则,坚决反对别国干涉本国内政。而苏联的外交改革有着严重的西化倾向,并希望得到美国的支持和帮助。在指导思想上,中国提出“和平外交”政策,,苏联以“新思维”为外交政策。相比之下,中国的外交政策可操作性强,是务实的、实事求是外交政策;而苏联的外交政策则脱离了本国的国家利益,追求“全人类”的利益,脱离实际情况,具有相当浓烈的感性色彩。 第四部分为结语部分,主要是对外交政策进行评价。指出外交政策应当坚持的基本路线和外交改革的基本策略。
[Abstract]:This article mainly explores the reform of diplomatic relations between Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping in the 80s of last century. Through comparison and thinking, the Chinese and Soviet countries' experience and lessons in the foreign strategy were drawn.
This article is divided into four parts, which are the world strategic pattern of 80s, the commonness of the foreign policy reform between China and the Soviet Union, the differences in the adjustment of foreign policy between China and the Soviet Union, and the evaluation of foreign policy.
The first part of the text mainly analyzes the world strategic pattern of 80s. The comparison of the forces between the United States and the Soviet Union makes the Soviet Union have to make a strategic contraction. At the same time, the Soviet Union itself has been exposed to its own economic and political maladies. At this time, the diversity of the world's political pattern has begun to appear, and the European Union is seeking a new international arena on the international stage. At the same time, China's international status is also rising.
The second part is to write the commonality of the reform of China and the Soviet Union's foreign policy. Both Deng Xiaoping and Gorbachev believe that nuclear war can not be fought, world peace is the general trend, a new understanding of the world situation. At the same time, a relatively favorable peaceful environment is needed while the internal reform is carried out. And, Deng Xiaoping and Gorbachev hope China respectively. And the Soviet Union ascended the international stage with a new image: China should take the road of "peaceful rise", while the Soviet Union striving for the interests of "all mankind".
The third part has written the difference between China and the Soviet Union's foreign policy adjustment. China has consistently adhered to the independent diplomatic principle and resolutely opposed other countries' interference in domestic internal affairs. The Soviet Union's diplomatic reform has a serious Westernization tendency and hopes to get the support and help of the United States. "Thinking" is foreign policy. In contrast, China's foreign policy is operable, pragmatic and realistic foreign policy, while the foreign policy of the Soviet Union is divorced from the national interests of the country and pursues the interests of "all mankind", and has a strong sense of sensibility out of the actual situation.
The fourth part is the epilogue, mainly on the evaluation of foreign exchange policy, pointing out the basic line of foreign policy and the basic strategy of diplomatic reform.
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