发布时间:2018-05-06 22:37
本文选题:北方领土 + 俄日关系 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:长期以来,北方领土问题一直是阻碍俄日关系发展的顽固性障碍。2010年11月1日,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫登上了俄日争议岛屿中的国后岛进行视察,此举引发了新一轮的俄日领土较量,俄罗斯和日本均反应强烈,在事态的后续发展中各自采取了一系列举措来展现自己的强硬立场,俄日领土争端不断升级,俄日关系持续交恶。这些最新情况对中国来说十分值得关注,一方面俄日是中国最重要的两个邻国,俄日关系的走向对于中国的外部环境营造有着十分重要的意义;另一方面俄日领土争端升级带来了一系列消极影响,这将不利于中国一直倡导的维护地区和平与稳定。因此本文将立足于俄日领土争端新动向,结合历史与现实分析俄日领土争端不断升级的多重影响因素,并在此基础上探讨俄日北方领土问题前景及俄日之间的关系走向。本文的主要内容大致分为四个部分: 第一部分,北方领土问题历史回溯。历史上北方领土的归属不断变迁,二战前俄日争议岛屿归日本实际管辖。二战期间苏联凭借《波司坦公告》占领了北方领土,并将其纳入版图,但旧金山和会上苏联没有签署《旧金山和约》,致使北方领土问题产生并成为二战遗产。二战结束后,苏日建交,虽然经过多次谈判,可北方领土问题始终无法解决,也因此导致了两国和平条约迟迟无法缔结。 第二部分,俄日关系下的北方领土问题。苏联解体后,北方领土问题延续到俄日关系之间,俄日两国开始致力于改善关系,并为解决北方领土问题作出了很多努力。但受两国国内政治以及争议岛屿本身的战略及经济价值一系列因素影响,俄日领土争端持续难解,成为制约俄日关系发展的最大瓶颈。 第三部分,俄日领土争端新动向。联系梅德韦杰夫登岛背景看事态的发展情况,俄罗斯在此次领土争端中攻势明显且占据着有利地位,而日本虽然处于下风却始终不肯妥协,俄日北方领土问题矛盾不可调和,而双方的系列举措背后隐藏着各自深刻的的意图,俄日领土争端升级是国际国内多重因素共同作用的结果。 第四部分,俄日领土争端新动向的影响与启示。俄日领土争端升级虽然造成了俄日关系恶化,但俄日北方领土问题受两国实力地位、战略态势和利益取向变化影响,因此俄日关系仍有回旋余地,不过只要北方领土问题无法解决,俄日关系就很难顺利发展。另外俄日领土争端新动向在国家关系、地区稳定、战略格局三方面对东北亚地区局势产生了影响。这一系列的变化也为我国带来一定启示:首先要正确看待俄日关系,其次也要借鉴俄罗斯灵活的外交手段。 最后的结论部分除了对前文进行简要的综述外还指出,俄日领土争端新动向折射出俄日关系出现的一些新变化,但总得来看,俄日关系不会发生实质性改变。不过受北方领土问题影响,今后俄日关系虽有继续发展的空间,但不会很顺利。
[Abstract]:The issue of the northern territories has long been a persistent obstacle to the development of Russian-Japanese relations. On November 1, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev boarded the island of Houhou in the disputed islands of Russia and Japan for an inspection. The move triggered a new round of Russian-Japanese territorial rivalry. Both Russia and Japan reacted strongly. In the follow-up to the situation, each took a series of measures to show his hardline stance, and the Russian-Japanese territorial dispute continued to escalate. Relations between Russia and Japan continue to be at loggerheads. On the one hand, Russia and Japan are China's two most important neighboring countries, and the trend of Russian-Japanese relations is of great significance to the construction of China's external environment; On the other hand, the escalation of the territorial dispute between Russia and Japan has brought a series of negative effects, which will be detrimental to the maintenance of regional peace and stability that China has been advocating. Therefore, based on the new trend of Russian-Japanese territorial dispute, this paper will analyze the influence factors of the continuous escalation of Russian-Japanese territorial dispute in combination with history and reality, and on this basis will discuss the prospect of the territorial issue in the northern part of Russia and Japan and the trend of the relationship between Russia and Japan. The main content of this paper is divided into four parts: The first part is the history of the Northern Territory. Before World War II, the disputed islands of Russia and Japan were actually administered by Japan. During World War II, the Soviet Union occupied the northern territories by means of the Proclamation of Postane and incorporated them into the territory, but the Soviet Union did not sign the Treaty of San Francisco Peace at the San Francisco Peace Conference, which led to the question of the Northern Territories and became the heritage of World War II. After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and Japan established diplomatic relations, although after many negotiations, the northern territorial issue could not be resolved, which also led to the delay in the conclusion of the peace treaty between the two countries. The second part, the northern territory question under the Russia-Japan relations. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the issue of the northern territories continued between Russia and Japan. Russia and Japan began to work to improve the relations and made a lot of efforts to solve the problems of the northern territories. However, influenced by a series of factors, such as domestic politics and the strategic and economic value of the disputed islands, the territorial dispute between Russia and Japan continues to be difficult to solve, which has become the biggest bottleneck restricting the development of Russian-Japanese relations. The third part, the new trend of the territory dispute between Russia and Japan. In connection with the development of the situation in the context of Medvedev's landing on the island, Russia is clearly on the offensive and occupying a favorable position in this territorial dispute, while Japan, although in a weak position, has always refused to compromise, and the contradiction between Russia and the northern part of the territory issue is irreconcilable. Behind the series of measures, the two sides have their own profound intentions. The escalation of the territory dispute between Russia and Japan is the result of the joint action of many international and domestic factors. The fourth part, the influence and enlightenment of the new trend of the territory dispute between Russia and Japan. Although the escalation of the Russian-Japanese territorial dispute has resulted in the deterioration of Russian-Japanese relations, the territorial issue in the northern part of Russia and Japan is affected by the changes in the position of strength, strategic posture and interest orientation of the two countries. Therefore, there is still room for manoeuvre in Russian-Japanese relations. However, as long as the northern territory problem can not be resolved, Russia-Japan relations will be difficult to develop smoothly. In addition, the new trend of territory dispute between Russia and Japan has influenced the situation in Northeast Asia in three aspects: state relations, regional stability and strategic pattern. This series of changes also brings some enlightenment to our country: first, to treat the relations between Russia and Japan correctly, and secondly, to draw lessons from the flexible diplomatic means of Russia. The last part of the conclusion also points out that the new trend of Russian-Japanese territorial dispute reflects some new changes in Russian-Japanese relations, but in general, there will be no substantial changes in Russian-Japanese relations. However, under the influence of the Northern Territory issue, Russia-Japan relations will not go smoothly although there is room for further development in the future.
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