发布时间:2018-05-10 09:44
本文选题:中国外交战略 + 镶边外交 ; 参考:《外交学院》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国作为亚洲最大的国家,有着众多的邻国。自古以来,中国就有着“敦信睦邻”的与周边国家和睦相处互信互利的良好传统,与周边国家的合作和交流对于促进中国的发展也起到了必不可少的作用。在党的十六大报告中,对于和周边国家的外交政策部分明确指出:“我们将继续加强睦邻友好,坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,加强区域合作,把同周边国家的交流和合作推向新水平。”“与邻为善、以邻为伴”是我们长期执行的对周边国家的外交政策。 然而,中国周边的地缘环境较为复杂,民族、宗教、信仰具有丰富的多样性,边境地区作为与邻国接壤的前沿地区,各种矛盾体现的最为突出,不仅有着最基本的边界问题、民族问题,随着时代的发展更出现了跨境合作、双边交流的问题,边境地区是两国关系最为敏感的地区,其发展程度成为显示中国与邻国关系的标志。相邻国家之间出现问题,一般都是边境上的问题,所以边境地区的和平决定了中国与周边国家关系的稳定。 在新时期中国提出的“和谐”战略的大框架下,中国的周边外交战略必然得到进一步的深化和落实。我的导师苏浩教授提出“镶边外交”的战略概念,本文借由此战略概念对目前中国的周边外交尤其是与中国陆地接壤的一圈邻国的外交进行一定的学理分析,进而对实践中的跨境外交活动进行梳理,并对一些案例进行较为深入的剖析。
[Abstract]:As the largest country in Asia, China has many neighboring countries. Since ancient times, China has had a good tradition of "good neighborliness, harmony, mutual trust and mutual benefit with neighboring countries," and cooperation and exchanges with neighboring countries have also played an indispensable role in promoting China's development. In the report of the 16th National Congress of the Party, the foreign policy part of the Party and the neighboring countries clearly pointed out: "We will continue to strengthen good-neighborly friendship, insist on being good with our neighbors, be partners with our neighbors, and strengthen regional cooperation." We will push exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries to a new level. " Our long-term foreign policy towards neighboring countries is to be good with our neighbors and to be in partnership with them. However, China's surrounding geographical environment is relatively complex, with rich diversity of nationalities, religions and beliefs. As a frontier region bordering neighbouring countries, the border areas are most prominent in various contradictions, and not only have the most basic border problems, With the development of the times, cross-border cooperation and bilateral exchanges have emerged. The border area is the most sensitive region of the relationship between the two countries, and its development level has become the symbol of the relationship between China and its neighboring countries. Problems between neighboring countries are generally border problems, so peace in border areas determines the stability of China's relations with neighboring countries. Under the framework of the "harmonious" strategy put forward by China in the new period, China's peripheral diplomatic strategy is bound to be further deepened and implemented. Professor Su Hao, my mentor, put forward the strategic concept of "fringed diplomacy". This paper uses this strategic concept to make a certain theoretical analysis of China's current peripheral diplomacy, especially the diplomacy of a circle of neighboring countries bordering on China's land. Then it combs the cross-border diplomatic activities in practice and makes a deep analysis of some cases.
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