本文选题:欧安组织 + 选举监督 ; 参考:《外交学院》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 冷战结束后,区域安全组织如果发挥作用成为国际社会关注的热点问题,其中欧洲比较有代表性的组织就是欧洲安全与合作组织。欧洲安全与合作组织在民主制度建设和选举监督方面进行了积极的探索。欧洲安全与合作组织把在参与国实施选举观察作为自己的主要职责,不仅没有停留在理论探索和设想阶段,并且付诸于实践,进而加以制度化、经常化。可以说在所有的国际组织当中,欧安组织在开展选举监督、选举观察方面走在了前头,积累了宝贵的经验。 本文试图回答的问题就是为何欧安组织今天能够在众多的选举监督组织中成为该领域具有重要影响力的机构,是什么原因使得欧安组织的主要职能转变到了选举监督领域,进而梳理出欧安组织在选举监督方面发挥作用的原因所在。 本文共分五章,第一章是对选举监督这一行动及欧安组织的概述。从第二至四章分析了促使选举监督成为欧安组织主要职能的原因所在,其中第二章主要讨论了冷战后欧洲安全结构对于欧安组织增强选举监督功能的影响;第三章讨论了欧安组织自身的机构设置和工作机制对增强选举监督功能的影响;第四章通过选取欧安组织在保护妇女选举权的案例,论述欧安组织所取得的现实成就。本文最后一章分析探讨了近年来欧安组织发展进程中面临的困难及引发的启示和前景展望。
[Abstract]:Since the end of the cold war , regional security organizations play a role as a hot issue of concern to the international community , in which a representative organization in Europe is the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe . The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has carried out an active exploration in the construction of democratic institutions and electoral monitoring . The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has carried out electoral observation in participating countries as its primary responsibility , not only in theoretical exploration and vision , but also in practice , and in turn , institutionalized and often institutionalized . It is possible to say that among all international organizations , OSCE has been leading in the conduct of electoral monitoring and electoral observation and has accumulated valuable experience .
The question that this paper attempts to answer is why the OSCE is able to become an influential body in the field today in a large number of electoral monitoring organizations , and what causes the main functions of OSCE to be transformed into the area of electoral monitoring , and thus the reasons for the role of OSCE in electoral monitoring .
Chapter Three discusses the influence of the security structure of OSCE on enhancing the function of election supervision . Chapter Three discusses the practical achievements of OSCE in the process of protecting women ' s suffrage . Chapter Three discusses the difficulties and prospects of OSCE in the development process of OSCE in recent years .
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