本文选题:中日关系 + 战后处理 ; 参考:《开放时代》2015年04期
[Abstract]:The relationship between China and Japan in pursuit of "friendship from generation to generation" eventually fell into a quasi-breakage crisis because of the Diaoyu Island issue, which overturned the diplomatic narrative of worship of the great man who had the idea in the first place. Replacing political ideology imagination and strategic empty theory with knowledge production of "problem history", it is found that "Diaoyu Island" as a defect of international law system dealt with after the war stipulates a structural sustainable cold war. Only by understanding the historical logic between the process of reconciliation and the transformation of international order can we make clear the sense of direction in resolving the crisis under the premise of the reconstruction of international communication subjectivity and diplomatic ability. In the early postwar period, Japan submitted the Diaoyu Islands to the allies under the Chinese name system, acquiescing to Chinese rights and interests, and did not attempt to reoccupy them until Japan and the United States negotiated the return of Ryukyu. Only when China protested did it make up the "inherent territorial theory." after the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan reached a consensus on "shelving disputes," However, Japan does not intend to abide by it and uses peace and friendship treaty negotiations to repair the position of "inherent territory" and try to actually occupy it-although the original status quo ante of "no man's island" has been restored under the Chinese negotiations, it is the beginning of unsolvability. Sino-Japanese relations are dangerously entangled in postwar nationalist origins, and treaty negotiations on territorial issues cannot be delayed any longer.
【作者单位】: 中国传媒大学国际传播研究中心;
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