发布时间:2018-06-11 11:00
本文选题:美国 + 外交政策 ; 参考:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:第二次世界大战是人类历史的一个重大转折点,战争彻底摧毁了欧洲中心格局,加速了国际政治力量对比的变化,改变了全球的权力分配格局,标志着以欧洲为中心的国际关系体系进入了美苏对抗的两极体制。第二次世界大战的直接结果之一是,美国挟其在“新政”和战时扩张基础上迅速发展起来的垄断资本主义实力,一跃而成为战后一个不容置疑的政治、经济、军事大国。强大的实力为美国按照自己的制度模式和政策标准重塑战后世界秩序提供了坚实的物质基础和必要的实力保障。第二次世界大战的另一直接结果是,苏联在政治、军事上异军突起。战后苏联强大的政治、军事实力成了美国在霸权道路上不得不严肃考虑的一个问题。国际体系中诸多关系的变化最终导致了原有多极体制的瓦解,导致了以美国为首的西方阵营和以苏联为首的东方阵营两极格局的出现。这样,战后美国的全球扩张大战略就与苏联为保障国家安全而实施的有限扩张迎头相撞,冷战不可避免地爆发了。战后初期美国外交政策决定性地转了向,这种转变背后的原因很复杂,既有国际大背景,也有美国的国内因素;既有远因,也有近因;既有直接原因,也有间接原因。这也是国内外学者至今对之兴趣不减的原因,也是本人选择这一研究课题的缘由。 本文在结构上分为引言、正文和结语三大部分。引言部分概述了选题缘由、研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法、观点创新以及资料来源。正文分为四部分。结语是对本研究进行的概括。 正文第一部分主要论述了1947年春天美国外交政策决定性地转向的标志性事件,即杜鲁门主义和遏制政策的出台。杜鲁门主义与遏制政策的出台是战后美国推行全球霸权的重要步骤,是美国更加积极地参与世界事务的重要表现,标志着美国外交政策出现了逆转,也标志着美国已登上了资本主义发展的顶峰,,是美国对苏冷战的宣言书和“发令枪”。 第二部分详细论述了战后初期美国外交政策调整的复杂国际背景,包括国际格局的嬗变、战后美国国际地位的变化以及美国支配世界的理念与意愿。 第三部分着重考察战后初期美国外交政策调整的苏联因素,包括斯大林的战后世界体系观以及苏联外交政策的两面性。作者认为,战后美苏战时同盟之所以难以为继,以美国为首的西方之所以起劲地攻击苏联、攻击共产主义,归根结底还是由于两种制度、两种意识形态和两种价值观的根本对立。随着战后美国称霸世界野心的持续膨胀,苏联成了美国实现既定战略目标的拦路虎,双方的攻伐与对抗就成了历史的必然。 第四部分主要论及战后初期美国外交政策调整的其他因素,包括杜鲁门本人及其团队根深蒂固的反共情结、斯大林“2·9”讲话以及冷战始作俑者丘吉尔的“铁幕演说”。作者认为,战后初期美国外交政策的调整是美苏在处理纷繁复杂国际关系过程中双方外交政策互动的结果。
[Abstract]:The Second World War is a major turning point in the history of mankind . The war has completely destroyed the pattern of the European Central Center , accelerated the changes of the international political power , and has changed the power distribution pattern of the world . The result of the second world war is that the United States has made a solid material foundation and necessary strength to rebuild the post - war world order based on its own system model and policy standards .
There are both far and short causes ;
There are both direct reasons and indirect causes . It is also the reason why the scholars at home and abroad have so far been interested in it , and also the reason why I chose this research subject .
This paper is divided into three parts : preface , text and conclusion . The introduction part gives an overview of the origin , the significance , the research situation , the research method , the viewpoint innovation and the source of data . The text is divided into four parts . The conclusion is the generalization of this study .
The first part of the text mainly discusses the landmark events of the decisive turn of American foreign policy in spring of 1947 , that is , the introduction of Du Lumenism and the containment policy .
The second part discusses the complex international background of American foreign policy adjustment in the early post - war period , including the change of international pattern , the change of American international status after the war , and the idea and willingness of the United States to dominate the world .
The third part focuses on the Soviet factors , including Stalin ' s post - war world system and the two aspects of Soviet foreign policy .
The fourth part mainly discusses the other factors of American foreign policy adjustment in the early post - war period , including the deep - rooted anti - communist complex of Du Lu and his team , Stalin ' s " 2.9 " speech and the " Iron Curtain Address " of Churchill , the author of the Cold War . The author thinks that the adjustment of American foreign policy in the early post - war period is the result of the interaction of American and Soviet foreign policy during the process of dealing with complicated international relations .
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