本文选题:艾森豪威尔政府 + 亚洲政策 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:对日政策是美国全球战略和亚洲战略的重要组成部分,它涉及到美国在亚太地区的重要利益。第二次世界大战后,美苏由战时的盟友变为战后的敌手,随着美苏矛盾的激化,对日政策逐渐被纳入美国遏制战略的轨道。到了艾森豪威尔政府时期,世界形势和亚洲形势都发生了剧烈变化,日本国内反美、要求自主的情绪日益高涨。美国的对日政策面临新的挑战。在此情况下,以艾森豪威尔为首的美国政府对其日本政策做了一定的调整。 全文由绪论、正文、结语和参考文献四部分组成,其中正文分五个章节: 第一章简要概括了杜鲁门政府对日政策的基本内容,奠定了艾森豪威尔政府对日政策的基础。 第二章至第四章是本论文的核心章节。以美苏冷战为背景和以国际形势的变化为线索,探讨、分析艾森豪威尔政府对日政策的形成、调整和再调整。艾森豪威尔政府之所以调整对日政策,是从遏制、打击中国这一根本目的出发的,是美国为巩固在全球的地位和维护在亚太地区的安全需要而制定的。 第五章论述了艾森豪威尔政府对日政策的影响。通过对日政策的调整,日本搭上了美国的“安全战车”,复苏了经济,提高了国际地位,与美国形成了特殊的美日同盟关系。美国巩固了在亚太地区的战略基地,达到了遏制苏联、中国的目的。由于美国对日政策的偏袒和不公允,加强了中日、中美之间关系的对立,直到今天仍然影响着亚太地区的安全。 结语部分对全文进行了总结。艾森豪威尔政府的对日政策服务于美国的国家利益,同时,不尊重别国主权、任意践踏民族主义发展的外交政策注定是要失败的。 本文把史实与理论相结合,试图在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,更好地阐述美国对日政策演变的轨迹,揭示这一政策的转变是如何服从于美国的国家利益的。
[Abstract]:Japan policy is an important part of American global strategy and Asian strategy, which involves the important interests of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. After the second World War, the United States and Soviet Union changed from allies in wartime to adversaries after the war. With the intensification of contradictions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the policy towards Japan was gradually brought into the orbit of the containment strategy of the United States. During the Eisenhower administration, the world situation and the Asian situation changed dramatically. America's policy toward Japan faces new challenges. In this case, the American government led by Eisenhower made some adjustments to its Japanese policy. The thesis consists of four parts: introduction, text, conclusion and reference. The text is divided into five chapters: the first chapter briefly summarizes the basic contents of Truman government's policy towards Japan, and lays the foundation of Eisenhower's policy towards Japan. The second to fourth chapters are the core chapters of this paper. Based on the background of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union and the changes in the international situation, this paper probes into the formation, adjustment and readjustment of the Eisenhower Administration's policy towards Japan. The reason why the Eisenhower administration adjusted its policy toward Japan was based on the fundamental purpose of containing and attacking China, and was formulated by the United States to consolidate its position in the world and to safeguard security in the Asia-Pacific region. The fifth chapter discusses the influence of Eisenhower government on Japanese policy. Through the adjustment of its policy to Japan, Japan took the "safety chariot" of the United States, revived its economy, improved its international status, and formed a special alliance with the United States. The United States consolidated its strategic base in the Asia-Pacific region and achieved the goal of containing the Soviet Union and China. Because of the bias and injustice of the United States' policy towards Japan, the antagonism between China and Japan and Sino-US relations still affects the security of the Asia-Pacific region today. The conclusion part summarizes the full text. The Eisenhower administration's policy toward Japan serves the national interests of the United States, and at the same time, the foreign policy of trampling on the development of nationalism without respecting the sovereignty of other countries is doomed to failure. By combining historical facts with theory, this paper attempts to better explain the evolution of American policy toward Japan on the basis of absorbing the previous research achievements, and to reveal how the transformation of this policy is subservient to the national interests of the United States.
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