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发布时间:2018-06-24 22:01

  本文选题:中日关系 + 美国因素 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:实现国家繁荣富强和民族伟大复兴是全体炎黄子孙的共同梦想。要达此目标,就必须具备两个基本条件:一是确保国内政局长期稳定,二是营造一个良好的周边安全环境。就后者而言,日本作为中国重要的邻国之一、中日关系作为一对重要的中外双边关系,对我国营造良好的周边安全环境无疑具有举足轻重的战略作用。换言之,确保中日关系持久、稳定、健康发展,对实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦具有重大意义。 然而,回眸历史、审视现实便不难发现,自新中国成立以来尤其从冷战结束迄今,尽管中国政府和人民以及日本有识之士为恢复和发展中日关系进行了不懈努力,但中日双边关系却总是发展不畅、麻烦不断,时至今日乃至跌入低谷。之所以如此,除日本右翼势力的破坏外,美国的长期介入和蓄意阻挠也是不容忽视的重要原因之一。正因美国在中日两国间设置重重障碍,中日邦交正常化才迟迟无法实现;正因美国放弃对华敌视政策并赞同日本改善对华关系,中日复交才最终成为可能;正因美国在中日复交后继续插手中日关系、继续在两个东亚大国间奉行两面政策,才导致中日两国龃龉不断、摩擦升级。因此,就新中国成立以来中日关系中的美国因素予以系统梳理和深入研究,无疑具有重要学术价值和重大现实意义。然而,令人遗憾的是,国内学术界迄今仅对此进行了间接零散的探讨,尚无系统全面的相关论著问世。有鉴于此,本文在严格遵守学术规范及合理借鉴前辈学者研究成果的基础上,遵循“是什么”、“为什么”、“怎么办”这一基本逻辑思路,运用文献分析、历史比较、跨学科综合研究等方法,对1949年至2012年六十余年间美国因素在中日关系不同时期的作用、影响、特征等一系列问题展开大跨度系统梳理和深度研究,以弥补该问题学术研究的不足和为改善陷入低谷的中日关系尽绵薄之力。 论文由绪论、正文六章和结束语构成。 绪论部分,主要就选题缘由、选题意义、研究思路、研究方法、国内外研究现状等,做了铺垫性交待。 第一章,主要就隔绝时期中日关系中的美国因素展开探讨。文章从新中国成立前后美国改变对日占领政策和日本统治当局奉行“亲美反华”政策入手,就美国操纵签署《旧金山和约》、《日美安保条约》、“日台和约”的险恶用心及其负面影响进行了深度分析,认为美国设置的这三大障碍是导致1949年至1952年间中日关系陷于隔绝状态的主要原因。 第二章,主要就民间往来时期中日关系中的美国因素予以探讨。文章以美国全面推行对华冷战遏制政策和日本执政当局坚定奉行“亲美反华”政策为背景,就美国阻碍中日经贸往来、反对中日恢复邦交、诱使日本深度介入台湾问题等方面进行了论述,认为美国把强化对华遏制政策加诸日本是致使1952年至1962年中日民间往来前行不畅的根源所在。 第三章,主要就半官半民往来时期中日关系中的美国因素进行分析。文章从美国继续采取敌视中国的政策入手,着重就美国逼迫日本强化对华“政经分离”政策及利用台湾问题继续为中日交往设置障碍展开了探讨,认为美国的刻意阻挠与蓄意破坏是导致1962年至1972年中日半官半民往来裹足不前甚至严重倒退的重要原因。 第四章,主要就外交关系确立时期中日关系中的美国因素进行阐述。文章以中美关系和解为切入点,就美国“批准”和推动日本同中国建交与缔约进行了探究,认为美国放弃对华敌视政策并赞同日本发展对华关系是促使中日邦交正常化最终得以实现和完成的关键。 第五章,主要就复交后中日关系中的美国因素展开论述。文章从冷战后期和后冷战时期美国的全球与亚太战略利益诉求出发,就美国对华和对日政策取向变化同中日关系演进之间的内在关联进行了深入剖析,认为美国推行对华既利用又防范、既接触又遏制的两面政策及其不断强化美日同盟以阻挠中国崛起的导向,是造成自上个世纪80年代以来特别是冷战结束后迄今中日关系跌宕起伏的主要诱因。 第六章,主要就美国长期插手中日关系的原因、启示予以分析和阐述。文章从美国和日本两个方面对美国插手中日关系的原因进行了分析,认为美国之所以能够长期影响和干涉中日关系主要是由美国谋求世界霸权的需要同日本与强者结盟外交传统的呼应相互作用所致。文章就美国长期插手中日关系的启示进行了阐述,认为应对美国继续长期介入中日关系保持清醒认识;构建良好的中美关系推动中日关系向前发展;警惕日本右翼势力利用日美同盟阻断我现代化进程;迅速增强国家综合实力是排除美国因素影响之根本。 结束语,主要就如何化解美国因素对中日关系的负面影响进行结论性总结。
[Abstract]:To achieve this goal , it is necessary to have two basic conditions : one is to ensure the long - term stability of the domestic political situation and to create a good surrounding security environment . In the latter case , Japan is one of the important neighbors of China , and the Sino - Japanese relations as one of the important Chinese and foreign bilateral relations has no doubt played a decisive strategic role in creating a good surrounding security environment . In other words , it is of great significance to ensure the lasting , stable and healthy development of the Sino - Japanese relations , and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation .

However , in reviewing the history of the Cold War , it is hard to find that since the founding of the new China , especially since the end of the cold war , although the Chinese government and people , as well as Japan , have made unremitting efforts to restore and develop Sino - Japanese relations , the long - term intervention and deliberate obstruction of the United States are one of the important reasons that cannot be ignored .
China and Japan have finally become possible after the United States gave up its hostile policy towards China and endorsed Japan ' s efforts to improve relations with China ;
Based on the study of the American factors in Sino - Japanese relations since the founding of the new China , the paper systematically combs and studies the American factors in Sino - Japanese relations since the founding of the new China , and has no doubt that there is no systematic and comprehensive discussion on the American factors in Sino - Japanese relations since the founding of the new China .

The thesis consists of an introduction , a body of six chapters and a conclusion .

The introduction part mainly discusses the reasons of choosing the topic , the significance of choosing the topic , the thinking of the research , the research method , the research situation at home and abroad , and so on .

In the first chapter , the author discusses the American factors in the Sino - Japanese relations during the period of isolation . The article analyses the American policy of Japanese occupation and the policy of " pro - American anti - China " by the Japanese ruling authorities before and after the founding of the new China , and deeply analyzes the risks and negative effects of American manipulation and signing of the security treaty of San Francisco and Japan and Japan and the Treaty of Japan and the Treaty of Japan and Japan . The three major obstacles that the United States have set up are the main reasons which lead to the collapse of Sino - Japanese relations between 1949 and 1952 .

The second chapter mainly discusses the American factors in the Sino - Japanese relations between China and Japan , which is based on the policy of anti - China cold war in the United States and the firm pursuit of the " pro - American anti - China " policy by the ruling authorities of Japan .

The third chapter analyzes the American factors in the Sino - Japanese relations between the half - government and the half - people . The article starts with the policy of continuing hostility towards China from the United States , and discusses the policy of forcing Japan to strengthen the policy of " separating and separating " from the United States and continuing to set up obstacles to Sino - Japanese relations . It is believed that the deliberate obstruction and intentional destruction of the United States are the important reasons which have led to the collapse of Sino - Japanese relations between 1962 and 1972 .

Chapter Four discusses the American factors in Sino - Japanese relations during the establishment of diplomatic relations . The article probes into the relations between China and China , and probes into the " ratification " of the United States and the promotion of diplomatic and diplomatic relations between Japan and China . It is of the view that the United States gives up the policy of hostility towards China and agrees that Japan ' s development of China - China relations is the key to the normalization of Sino - Japanese relations .

The fifth chapter discusses the American factors in the Sino - Japanese relations after the post - cold war . In the end of the Cold War and the post - cold - war era , the thesis deeply analyzes the intrinsic relationship between China ' s policy orientation and the evolution of Sino - Japanese relations . It is the main cause of the ups and downs of Sino - Japanese relations since the end of the 1980s .

In chapter 6 , the reasons for the Sino - Japanese relations between the United States and Japan are analyzed and described . The article analyzes the causes of the Sino - Japanese relations between the United States and Japan .
To build a good Sino - US relations and promote the development of Sino - Japanese relations ;
Be alert to Japan ' s right - wing forces to use Japan - American alliance to block the process of modernization ;
To quickly strengthen the national comprehensive strength is the fundamental reason to exclude the influence of American factors .

Concluding remarks mainly summarize the negative effects of American factors on Sino - Japanese relations .




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