本文选题:中国对非洲援助 + 政治和合 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:“和合”是中国思想文化中被普遍接受和广泛认同的人文精神,它不仅贯穿于整个中国思想文化发展的全过程,而且深厚地积淀于各个时代思想文化中。把中国传统“和合”思想运用到对外援助领域中,这是中国对世界和平与发展事业的新贡献。 作为亚非两大文明的发祥地,中非关系源远流长。新中国成立后,,中国与非洲的关系进入了一个全面发展的新时期。对非援助作为中非关系中一部分,对中国与非洲国家友好合作关系的发展起到了重要的推动作用。中国对非援助“和合观”的“和”是指中国与作为受援国的非洲国家之间的和睦、和谐、和平共处和共同发展。“合”是指中国与受援国之间的平等、互利互惠的合作关系。“和”是中国和受援国所共同追求的人文精神和价值理想。“合”是实现“和”的途径与手段选择形式。在不同世界时代主题和国内国际环境的背景下,“和”所追求的时代精神和“合”所体现的援助理念和合作形式又有具体的调整和变化。总之,中国对非援助的和合观是中国关于通过中国对受援国进行援助的形式与受援国在各个不同的历史时期合作达到共同发展的目标,实现和谐共处的指导思想。 随着全球化的不断推进,中国传统和合文化在发展战略上将展现出更大的张力,从而进一步凸显出中国传统文化在现代交往实践中的价值和魅力。120世纪90年代以来,中非关系进入快速发展期,中国政府进一步推进对非援助方式的改革,加强了与非洲国家的合作,将中非关系提升到战略的高度。中国对非援助是和合发展的合作型援助,是充满生机与活力的援助。中国对非援助对中非关系,乃至亚非世界的复兴有着重大的意义。
[Abstract]:"Hehe" is a widely accepted and widely accepted humanistic spirit in Chinese ideology and culture. It not only runs through the whole process of the whole Chinese ideological and cultural development, but also deeply accumulates in the ideological and cultural times of all times. It applies the thought of Chinese traditional "harmony" to the field of foreign aid, which is China's peace and development to the world. The new contribution of the industry.
As the birthplace of the two great civilizations of Asia and Africa, the relationship between China and Africa has a long history. After the founding of new China, the relationship between China and Africa has entered a new period of comprehensive development. As part of the relationship between Africa and Africa, China and Africa have played an important role in promoting the development of friendly and cooperative relations between China and African countries. The "harmony" refers to the harmony, harmony, peaceful coexistence and common development between China and the African countries as the recipient countries. "Harmony" refers to the equality, mutual benefit and mutual cooperation between China and the recipient countries. "And" is the humanistic spirit and value ideal that China and the recipient countries pursue together. "Harmony" is the realization of "harmony". In the context of the theme of different world times and the background of domestic and international environment, the idea of assistance and the form of cooperation embodied in the spirit of "harmony" and "harmony" have specific adjustments and changes. In a word, China's cooperation with non aid is the form of China's assistance to the recipient countries through China. Cooperation with the recipient countries in different historical periods to achieve the goal of common development and realize the guiding ideology of harmonious coexistence.
With the continuous advancement of globalization, China's traditional and cooperative culture will show greater tension in the development strategy, and thus further highlight the value and charm of Chinese traditional culture in the practice of modern communication. Since the 90s of the.120 century, China Africa relations have entered a rapid development period, and the Chinese government further promotes the reform of the non aid mode, China has strengthened its cooperation with African countries and promoted China Africa relations to a strategic level. China's cooperative assistance for non aid and development is full of vitality and vitality. China is of great significance to non aid to China Africa relations and the revival of Asia and Africa.
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