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发布时间:2018-07-13 18:26
【摘要】:本文主要是从两次海湾战争期间英国对美政策的发展变化来阐述英美关系。在1990-1991年间的海湾战争中,美国充当“世界警察”,发动了针对伊拉克的军事行动,英国在其中扮演着重要的角色,成为美国最忠实的支持者。一脉相承的是在21世纪初美国发动的伊拉克战争中,英国又一次积极主动地倒向美国,充当美国的“铁杆盟友”。但是,我们不能仅此就推断英美正在恢复战后的“特殊关系”,或者说英国奉行“追随外交”。事实上,这种现象背后隐藏着更为深层的本质即英国的国际角色定位问题。 本文共分为五个部分,第一章是绪言,对中外学术界关于本论题的研究现状进行了梳理和分析,论述本论题的研究价值和意义,以及介绍本文的研究思路和方法,提出本文的基本框架和内容。 本文第二章是背景部分,讲述了二战以来英国对美关系的发展演变,主要是从战后英国外交的总体设计——“三环外交”、冷战以来英美关系的特点以及战后英美中东政策三个角度展开的。二战后英国政治、经济外交实力江河日下,大国地位受到挑战。面对这一现实,丘吉尔推出了“三环外交”,其中将与美国的关系放在显著地位,英美“特殊关系”由此形成,它成为战后英国多任领导者贯奉行的外交准则。然而,“特殊关系”中始终包含着不特殊因素。随着欧共体实力的增长,英国不能忽视它的存在,选择加入其中。但是,英国并没有因此放弃与美国的“特殊关系”。战后的英国内部疑欧与亲欧派并存。1958年巴格达发生政变,导致亲西方政权的倒台,英美立即作出反应,准备武装干涉,最终出于综合考虑取消军事打击。其中,英美两国的态度非常重要。这也成为冷战后英美对伊拉克政策的先例。 第三章和第四章是本文论述的重点部分。第三章笔者主要是以海湾战争为背景来透视英国对美政策的。当伊拉克入侵科威特成为事实后,美国立即做出反应,充当“世界警察”,最终通过努力,建立了一个美国控制下的国际军事打击联盟,发动了海湾战争。在这次战争进程中,英国发挥着积极作用,无论是在安理会的外交还是在军事打击行动中,英国都表现出积极支持美国的一面。而传统的老欧洲国家法国由于不信任英美联盟、继续执行“戴高乐路线”,在整个过程中都持“三心二意”的态度。德国也因为道义原则只是有限地参与其中。英国不同于其欧洲盟友全力“追随”美国,有其内在的原因,而不是仅仅为了“追随”而“追随”,英国的目标不是甘愿做美国的小伙伴,而是重塑日不落帝国形象。 第四章对英国与伊拉克战争进行了论述。第一次海湾战争美国没能彻底将萨达姆政权推翻,为美国再一次发动对伊拉克的军事打击作了铺垫。不同于第一次海湾战争,这次战争没有得到联合国安理会的授权,美国的行动受到了世界许多国家的谴责,令人瞩目的是,法德等欧洲大国公然反对,拒绝参与其中。然而,英国依然给予美国最大程度的支持,主要表现在影响安理会决议、为发动战争寻找借口以及积极参与军事行动等方面。但是,在这次事件过程中,英国不是一味的“反水”欧洲盟友,而是更加重视他们的态度,不断在欧美之间回旋。 本文第五章主要是对英国在两次海湾战争中与美国保持“特殊关系”的原因分析。笔者首先对两次海湾战争中英国的态度进行了比较,进而从英国在中东的传统利益、英美两国高层的互动、英美两国共同的文化传统以及英国自身的定位等方面阐述,最终得出英国的自身定位是决定两次海湾战争中英国态度的关键因素。 本文结束语部分是对全文的总结,随着欧美关系的改善,英国在欧美扮演平衡者、协调者的作用很可能会有所强化。英国自身定位问题,将决定英国未来的外交走向以及英国未来的发展方向。
[Abstract]:In the Gulf War between 1990 and 1991 , the United States acted as the " world police " and launched a military campaign against Iraq . Britain has played an important role in the United States , acting as " an ally " of the United States . However , we cannot only infer that Britain and the United States are recovering the post - war " special relationship " , or Britain ' s " pursuit of diplomacy . " In fact , the phenomenon lies behind the deeper nature of the UK ' s international role .

This paper is divided into five parts , the first chapter is the introduction , the research status of the academic circles on this topic is reviewed and analyzed , the research value and significance of this thesis are discussed , and the research ideas and methods are introduced , and the basic framework and content of this paper are put forward .

The second chapter of this paper is the background section , which covers the evolution of Britain ' s relations with America since the Second World War . It is mainly from the general design of British diplomacy after World War II , the characteristics of Anglo - American relations since the cold war , and the three aspects of post - war Anglo - American Middle East policy .

Chapter three and chapter IV are the key parts of this article . Chapter three is mainly about the British - American policy in the context of Gulf War . When Iraq invaded Kuwait , the United States reacted immediately to act as the " World Police " . In the course of the war , Britain has shown its active support for the United States . In the course of this war , Britain has shown its active support for the United States .

The British and Iraqi wars have been discussed in Chapter IV . The first Gulf War in the United States did not completely overturn Saddam Hussein ' s regime . Unlike the first Gulf War , the war has not been authorized by the United Nations Security Council . The United States has been rejected by many countries in the world . However , Britain is still giving the greatest support to the United States . However , Britain is not a " anti - water " European allies in the course of the incident , but rather pays more attention to their attitudes and continues to swirl between the United States and the United States .

The fifth chapter of this article is mainly to analyze the reasons of Britain ' s " special relationship " with the United States in the two Gulf wars . The author first compares the British attitude in the two Gulf wars , then expounds the traditional interests of Britain in the Middle East , the interaction between the two countries , the common cultural tradition of the two countries and the position of the United Kingdom , and finally concludes that the British position is the key factor to decide the British attitude in the two Gulf War .

The conclusion of this thesis is the summary of the whole text . With the improvement of American and American relations , the role of the United Kingdom in Europe and America plays a balanced role , and the role of the coordinator is likely to be strengthened . The UK ' s own positioning problems will determine Britain ' s future diplomatic trend and the future direction of Britain ' s future .


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