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发布时间:2018-07-17 01:25
【摘要】:全球化时代下,世界向多极化方向发展的趋势不可抗拒,这一趋势下的国际政治、经济格局和国际安全格局,构成萨科齐外交政策的国际背景。全球性金融危机和经济危机(包括后续的欧债危机)进一步改变了国际政治和经济格局,经济危机后萨科齐外交政策更加向现实主义倾斜。 萨科齐时期,法国国内形势严峻。高赤字、高逆差、高失业、低增长率的“三高一低”局面依然是法国宏观经济的主要特点,加之经济危机的冲击,法国经济积重难返;民众与政府在改革问题上严重对立;法国社会移民问题突出;社会危机(罢工、骚乱)频频发生。国内形势的不利局面对萨科齐“大国雄心”外交抱负构成制约。 萨科齐出任总统后不久,欧洲媒体上就流行着一个新词汇——"Sarkozysme"(“萨科齐主义”)。像蓬皮杜一样大权独揽、像德斯坦一样主动热情、比戴高乐多些活泼、比密特朗添几分实干、又比希拉克多些决断,这就是“萨科齐主义。”(注:法国《观点》周刊的评述)。很多时候国外媒体将“萨科齐主义”用以特指萨科齐的执政风格。但“萨科齐主义”不仅仅是萨科齐当选总统后的一次政治风潮和执政风格变化,“萨科齐主义”包含有丰富的实质内容。参照周荣耀对戴高乐主义的定义——“戴高乐主义,就是戴高乐为维护民族独立和国家主权,争取恢复法国大国地位的外交政策思想和实践。”,那么“萨科齐主义”可以定义为“萨科齐时代法国追求独立自主和大国地位的外交政策思想和实践。”这一定义,主要是从萨科齐主义的内容和体现形式的角度来归纳“萨科齐主义”。 萨科齐身上兼具浓厚的意志主义(Volontarisme)色彩和现实主义(Realisme)色彩,他既是一个意志主义者,又是一个现实主义者。从“萨科齐主义”的精神实质以及“萨科齐主义”在萨科齐外交政策和实践中的作用和意义来看,“萨科齐主义”是萨科齐“意志主义”和“现实主义”的矛盾统一体,是萨科齐外交的“世界观”和“方法论”;构成“萨科齐主义”主体的萨科齐的“意志主义”和“现实主义”两者之间有着看似矛盾,实则相通的辩证关系。萨科齐的意志主义和现实主义共同服务并统一于维护法国国家利益的根本目标;它们之间的矛盾在国家利益最大化、在对法国大国地位的追求中获得了一致性,合乎现实主义行为逻辑。作为萨科齐外交的“世界观”和“方法论”,“萨科齐主义”充分体现在萨科齐的外交实践、外交理念和外交风格几方面上。首先,萨科齐的“相对大国论”理念和“法国伟大”意志,是萨科齐对世界形势的客观认识和对法国的主观意愿上定位,体现出萨科齐的立足现实的“世界观”以及意志主义的“大国雄心”;这在“认识论”和“世界观”上实现了“现实主义”和“意志主义”的统一。其次,在外交方式、方法上,萨科齐处理国际事务表现出的现实主义理性态度和务实作风,在行动过程中表现出强硬形象和坚决意志,(力求体现法国强大和领导者能力)。 萨科齐就任总统后,决意以“有影响力的外交”重塑法国在欧洲和全球的大国地位为首要任务,并为此采取了一系列积极主动的外交实践。例如萨科齐致力于促成《里斯本条约》在欧盟成员国中全部通过和最终签署,推动欧盟一体化进程;推进地中海联盟计划,提升法国在中东和北非的影响力;改善法美关系,实现法国全面重返北约组织;积极实施“峰会外交”,倡导金融监管和全球经济治理;争取多方支持,构建G20机制下国际经济新秩序等。萨科齐在国际舞台上异常活跃,尽管争议众多、甚至可以说是毁誉参半,但其为法国外交带来了新局面,其外交理念和政策实践对当今法国外交产生深刻影响是不容质疑的。相对于同一时期的其他国家的新生代领导人,萨科齐的外交能力和外交成果是值得肯定的。我们以中立观察者的立场,主张辩证地看待萨科齐的外交政策和实践,既要看到其不足和消极的一面,又要看到“超越”和积极的一面。萨科齐以现实主义为原则,灵活机动地在大国间推行平衡外交,均势外交,萨科齐时期的法国同世界主要大国的关系得到全面提升,在战略地区的影响力得到强化。萨科齐改善了法美关系,巩固了法德核心,加强了与英国的军事合作,提升了法俄关系,同中国建立了新型全面战略伙伴关系,调整了对非政策,与非洲建立新型合作伙伴关系,调整中东战略,在中东和平进程中发挥了法国大国影响力。另外,经济外交是萨科齐外交政策非常重要的组成部分,萨科齐的经济外交的特点和成就可从两个方面总结:一是“订单外交”,二是“峰会外交”。萨科齐恰当运用经济外交,使法国获得经济、政治、安全等多重利益。 本文的主题是论述萨科齐在外交政策方面所实施的一系列重大调整及其在国际政治中的实践运用,揭示法国当前外交局面和战略意图,目的在于在总体把握当前法国外交走向的基础之上,为中法关系的发展提供合理的建议。通过研究,我们试图回答以下问题:第一,萨科齐主义存在吗?如果存在,是就何种意义上而言?萨科齐主义有哪些实质内容和特征?第二,萨科齐政府外交政策上做了哪些实质性变革、政策实施后带来的后果和影响以及在国际层面的发展前景如何?第三,萨科齐外交政策继承性或决裂性之争论:萨科齐主义同第五共和国的外交传统(戴高乐主义)是继承还是决裂?萨科齐外交政策同希拉克外交政策之间是继承还是决裂?第四,基于对法国外交的认识,对未来法国外交走向有何预测,对中法关系发展有何合理建议? 本文依照内外背景→外交理念和外交风格(萨科齐主义)→外交政策和实践→外交得失评述的顺序对萨科齐的外交政策展开分析和论述。本文第一章分析萨科齐外交政策的内外背景和影响因素;第二章论述“萨科齐主义”,包括萨科齐的外交理念、外交实践和外交风格等内容;本文在第三章、第四章、第五章中分别从外交实践、大国关系和地区政策、经济外交几方面对萨科齐的外交政策和外交实践展开论述,这几部分内容构成全文重点。第六章为本文结论部分,首先我们对萨科齐主义进行了总结,并深入剖析萨科齐的意志主义和现实主义;其次对萨科齐的外交政策做出评析,总结其同戴高乐主义、希拉克主义的关联性,回答“继承或决裂”的问题;最后就萨科齐外交政策的影响和前景做出分析,并对推动中法关系的发展提出相关建议。
[Abstract]:In the era of globalization, the trend of the development of the world to multipolarization is irresistible. The international politics, the economic pattern and the international security pattern under this trend constitute the international background of Sarkozy's foreign policy. The global financial crisis and economic crisis (including the subsequent European debt crisis) have further changed the international political and economic situation, and the economic crisis is in danger. Sarkozy's foreign policy is more tilted to realism.
In the period of Sarkozy, the situation in France was severe. The situation of high deficit, high deficit, high unemployment and low growth rate was still the main characteristic of the French macro economy. In addition, the French economy was hard to return with the impact of the economic crisis; the people and the government were in serious opposition to the reform problem; the social immigrant problem was prominent in France; the social danger was in danger. Planes (strikes, riots) happen frequently. The unfavorable situation in the domestic situation is a constraint to Sarkozy's ambition of "great power ambition".
Shortly after Sarkozy was president, a new word in the European media, "Sarkozysme" ("Sarkozy doctrine"), was like Pompidou, like Goldstein, more active than Goldstein, more lively than De Gaulle, Be Mitterrand more practical, and more decisive than Chirac. This is "Sarkozy." Many times foreign media used "Sarkozy doctrine" to refer to Sarkozy's ruling style. But "Sarkozy doctrine" is not only a political trend and a change in ruling style after Sarkozy is elected president. "Sarkozy doctrine" contains substantial content of rich and rich. Zhou Rongyao to De Gaulle owners The definition of righteousness - "De Gaulle's doctrine is the foreign policy thought and practice of De Gaulle to maintain national independence and state sovereignty and strive for the restoration of the status of the great powers of France." then "Sarkozy" can be defined as the definition of "the foreign policy and practice of the pursuit of independence and the status of a great power in the era of Sarkozy." It mainly sums up Sarkozy doctrine from the perspective of Sarkozy's content and form.
Sarkozy has a strong willpower (Volontarisme) color and Realism (Realisme) color. He is both a will and a realist. From the essence of Sarkozy's spirit and the role and significance of "Sarkozy doctrine" in Sarkozy's foreign policy and practice, "Sarkozy doctrine" "" is the contradictory unity of Sarkozy's will and realism, the "world view" and "methodology" of Sarkozy's diplomacy, and the dialectical relationship between the "will" and "realism" of Sarkozy, which constitutes the subject of "Sarkozy doctrine", has a dialectical relationship between the "will" and the "realism". The will of Sarkozy is the will Lord of Sarkozy. The unity of justice and realism serves and unifies the fundamental goal of safeguarding the interests of the French state; the contradiction between them is maximized in the interests of the state, and is consistent in the pursuit of the status of the great powers of France. It is in line with the logic of realism. As a "world Outlook" and "methodology" of Sarkozy diplomacy, "Sarkozy doctrine" is filled. It is embodied in Sarkozy's diplomatic practice, diplomatic concept and diplomatic style. First of all, Sarkozy's theory of "relative power" and "great French" will are Sarkozy's objective understanding of the world situation and the orientation of the subjective will of France, and Sarkozy's "world outlook" based on reality and the will of will. In the "epistemology" and the "world view", it realized the unity of "realism" and "willpower". Secondly, in diplomatic ways and methods, Sarkozy dealt with the realistic rational attitude and pragmatic style of international affairs, and showed strong image and resolute will in the course of action. Embody the power of France and the ability of leaders.
After being president, Sarkozy decided to remould France's position in Europe and the world as the first task with "influential diplomacy" and adopted a series of active diplomatic practices. For example, Sarkozy was committed to promoting the integration of the European Union in the EU member countries by the Lisbon treaty. To promote the influence of the Mediterranean Union, promote the influence of France in the Middle East and North Africa, improve France US relations, realize the full return of France to NATO, actively implement the "summit diplomacy", advocate financial supervision and global economic governance, strive for multi support, and build a new international economic order under the G20 mechanism. Sarkozy is on the international stage. It is unquestionable that the diplomatic concept and policy practice has a profound influence on the French diplomacy, which is unquestionable, although there are many disputes and even more disputed, but it has brought a new situation to French diplomacy. Compared with the new generation leader of other countries in the same period, Sarkozy's diplomatic and diplomatic achievements are worth it. Affirmative. We stand on the standpoint of the neutral observer and advocate a dialectical view of Sarkozy's foreign policy and practice. We should see both its inadequacy and the negative side, but also see "transcendence" and positive side. Sarkozy, with the principle of realism, flexibly pushes the balance diplomacy, balance diplomacy, and Sarkozy's France between the great powers. The relationship with the major powers of the world has been improved and the influence of the strategic region has been strengthened. Sarkozy has improved the relations between France and the United States, consolidates the core of France and Germany, strengthens the military cooperation with the United Kingdom, promotes the relationship between France and Russia, establishes a new comprehensive strategic partnership with China, adjusts the policy against Africa and establishes a new partnership with Africa. In addition, economic diplomacy is a very important part of Sarkozy's foreign policy. The characteristics and achievements of Sarkozy's economic diplomacy can be summarized from two aspects: one is "order diplomacy", and the two is "summit diplomacy". Sarkozy's proper use of the Confucian classics is the appropriate use of the economic diplomacy. Economic diplomacy has enabled France to gain multiple benefits such as economy, politics and security.
The theme of this article is to discuss a series of major adjustments carried out by Sarkozy in foreign policy and its practical application in international politics, and to reveal the current diplomatic situation and strategic intention of France. The aim is to provide a reasonable suggestion for the development of Sino French relations on the basis of the general grasp of the current French diplomatic trend. We try to answer the following questions: first, does Sarkozy exist? If it exists, what are the substantive contents and features of Sarkozy's doctrine? Second, what substantial changes have been made in the foreign policy of the Sarkozy administration, the consequences and effects of the implementation of the policy and the development prospects at the international level? Third, the argument of Sarkozy's diplomatic policy inheriting or breaking up: is the diplomatic tradition of Sarkozy and the Fifth Republic (De Gaulle) a succession or break? Is Sarkozy's foreign policy and Chirac's foreign policy a succession or a break? Fourth, based on the understanding of French diplomacy, and the prediction of the future of French diplomacy. What is the reasonable proposal for the development of Sino French relations?
This paper analyzes and discusses Sarkozy's foreign policy in the order of the internal and external background, diplomatic concept and diplomatic style (Sarkozy doctrine), foreign policy and practice and diplomatic gain and loss. The first chapter analyzes the internal and external background and influencing factors of Sarkozy's foreign policy; the second chapter discusses "Sarkozy doctrine", including sarco. In the third, fourth, and fifth chapters of the third, fourth, and fifth chapters, this article discusses foreign policy and diplomatic practice in several aspects, including diplomatic practice, great power relations and regional policies, and economic diplomacy. These parts constitute the full text of the full text. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part of this article, first of all. We sum up Sarkozy's doctrine and deeply analyze Sarkozy's will and realism; secondly, make an analysis of Sarkozy's foreign policy, summarize the relevance of De Gaulle and Chirac, and answer the question of "inheritance or break", and finally make an analysis of the influence and prospects of Sarkozy's foreign policy. And put forward relevant suggestions to promote the development of Sino French relations.


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