[Abstract]:With the increasing role of the Internet in the national political and economic life, the insecurity of the state to rely heavily on the network is also increasing day by day. The resulting inter-state conflict makes it very necessary and urgent to formulate the rules of global cyberspace. In dealing with the network organized crime and the network terrorism, the cooperation between countries is the mainstream, while the general network conflict and the network war reflect the game of the interests of the countries. The formulation of cyberspace rules mainly revolves around three levels: technology, military security and countermeasures. The game between countries is mainly manifested in the competition between the United States and Europe for the dominant power of the Internet and the opposition between the United States and Europe and China and Russia in the concept and mode of governance. At present, the formulation of cyberspace rules is still in the initial stage of "normative rise". There are still many difficulties and challenges in reaching a global cyberspace agreement, but, Understanding each other's boundaries and trying to find consensus should be the primary goal and task of advancing cyberspace rules. As an emerging power, China should actively pay attention to and participate in discussions on network rules on different international platforms in order to achieve the goal of becoming a network power, and should be brave enough to undertake more international responsibilities while carrying out international cooperation. In the premise of ensuring national security, promote the sustainable development of the Internet.
【作者单位】: 中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所国际政治理论研究室;
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