发布时间:2018-08-04 09:05
【摘要】:传统基金会(The Heritage Foundation)是当今美国最大、影响力最强的保守派思想库之一,具有鲜明的政治立场,推行保守主义政策;在近40年推动保守主义运动的过程中,传统基金会奠定了在美国和世界政策研究机构中的领导地位,成为对美国共和党政府最具影响力的保守思想库。其研究范围涉及政治、经济、文化、外交等诸多领域,全盛于里根时期,“9·11”事件之后对小布什政府的外交政策产生重大影响。它开创了一种新型的公共政策研究机构模式,被《时代》周刊称之为“鼓吹型思想库”(advocacy tank);建立了广泛的联系网,运用多种途径影响政府决策,比其他思想库更加政治化和意识形态化。 作为保守派思想库,传统基金会的宗旨和使命是“阐述和推进以自由企业、有限政府、个人自由、美国传统价值观念和强大国防等原则为基础的保守的公共政策”,这也是传统基金会最根本的思想理念,是其保守主义价值观的集中体现,其政治立场、政策主张均围绕这一理念进行。不可忽视的是,传统基金会鼓吹“中国威胁论”,支持对台湾销售军事武器,具有鲜明的反华立场。20世纪80年代以来,随着美国社会保守思潮的回流,该机构在共和党、政府高层和国会中扮演着越来越重要的角色,对公共政策和公众舆论产生广泛而深远的影响。对传统基金会的保守主义价值观进行深入探究,了解它们如何被运用、渗透于重大问题的研究过程,进而影响美国民众舆论和政府决策,也就理解了传统基金会的本质,抓住了它日益壮大、影响力日渐扩张的核心要素。 本文着重研究传统基金会的保守主义理念、价值观以及如何在具体的政策中贯彻体现这些价值理念。除绪论和结语外,文章主体部分共分为三章,第一章是对传统基金会成立背景与性质、宗旨与组织结构、出版物与联系网的介绍;第二章从理论角度分析传统基金会的保守主义价值观,即自由企业、有限政府、个人自由、传统价值观和强大国防的内涵;第三章是案例研究,选取克林顿政府时期的医疗改革和小布什政府对华政策两个案例,分析传统基金会在这两个领域如何将其保守主义价值观付诸实践以影响政府决策。
[Abstract]:The Heritage Foundation (The Heritage Foundation) is one of the largest and most influential conservative think tanks in the United States today. The Heritage Foundation has established itself as a leader in policy research in the United States and in the world, becoming the most influential conservative think tank for the Republican administration in the United States. Its research scope involves many fields such as politics, economy, culture, diplomacy and so on. It flourished in Reagan period, and had a great influence on the foreign policy of Bush administration after "9 / 11". It pioneered a new model of public policy research institutions. (advocacy tank);, known as the "advocacy think tank" by time Weekly, established an extensive network of contacts to influence government decision-making in a variety of ways. More political and ideological than other think tanks. As a conservative think tank, the purpose and mission of the Heritage Foundation is to "articulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, American traditional values and strong national defense". This is also the most fundamental ideology of the traditional foundation and the concentrated embodiment of its conservative values. Its political position and policy stand are all centered around this idea. What cannot be ignored is that the Heritage Foundation has advocated the "China threat" theory and supported the sale of military weapons to Taiwan. Since the 1980s, the Heritage Foundation has a clear anti-China stance. Since the 1980s, with the return of conservative trends in American society, this organization has been in the Republican Party. High-level government and Congress play an increasingly important role in public policy and public opinion have a broad and far-reaching impact. By deeply exploring the conservative values of traditional foundations and understanding how they are used and infiltrated into the research process of major issues, and thus influencing public opinion and government decisions in the United States, we understand the essence of traditional foundations. Grasp its growing, growing influence of the core elements. This paper focuses on the conservative ideas of the Heritage Foundation, values and how to implement these values in specific policies. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the main part of the article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the background and nature of the foundation, its purpose and organizational structure, publications and network. The second chapter analyzes the traditional foundation's conservative values from a theoretical point of view, that is, free enterprise, limited government, personal freedom, traditional values and strong national defense connotation; the third chapter is a case study. This paper analyzes how the Heritage Foundation put its conservative values into practice in these two fields to influence the government's decision by choosing two cases of health care reform during the Clinton administration and Bush administration's policy toward China.
[Abstract]:The Heritage Foundation (The Heritage Foundation) is one of the largest and most influential conservative think tanks in the United States today. The Heritage Foundation has established itself as a leader in policy research in the United States and in the world, becoming the most influential conservative think tank for the Republican administration in the United States. Its research scope involves many fields such as politics, economy, culture, diplomacy and so on. It flourished in Reagan period, and had a great influence on the foreign policy of Bush administration after "9 / 11". It pioneered a new model of public policy research institutions. (advocacy tank);, known as the "advocacy think tank" by time Weekly, established an extensive network of contacts to influence government decision-making in a variety of ways. More political and ideological than other think tanks. As a conservative think tank, the purpose and mission of the Heritage Foundation is to "articulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, American traditional values and strong national defense". This is also the most fundamental ideology of the traditional foundation and the concentrated embodiment of its conservative values. Its political position and policy stand are all centered around this idea. What cannot be ignored is that the Heritage Foundation has advocated the "China threat" theory and supported the sale of military weapons to Taiwan. Since the 1980s, the Heritage Foundation has a clear anti-China stance. Since the 1980s, with the return of conservative trends in American society, this organization has been in the Republican Party. High-level government and Congress play an increasingly important role in public policy and public opinion have a broad and far-reaching impact. By deeply exploring the conservative values of traditional foundations and understanding how they are used and infiltrated into the research process of major issues, and thus influencing public opinion and government decisions in the United States, we understand the essence of traditional foundations. Grasp its growing, growing influence of the core elements. This paper focuses on the conservative ideas of the Heritage Foundation, values and how to implement these values in specific policies. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the main part of the article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the background and nature of the foundation, its purpose and organizational structure, publications and network. The second chapter analyzes the traditional foundation's conservative values from a theoretical point of view, that is, free enterprise, limited government, personal freedom, traditional values and strong national defense connotation; the third chapter is a case study. This paper analyzes how the Heritage Foundation put its conservative values into practice in these two fields to influence the government's decision by choosing two cases of health care reform during the Clinton administration and Bush administration's policy toward China.
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