[Abstract]:Under the auspices of the Chen Yun, the Shenyang military Management Council has fully implemented the diplomatic policy formulated by the CPC Central Committee. On the one hand, it protects law-abiding aliens, on the other hand, it resolutely upholds state sovereignty. To deny the status and privilege of the diplomatic and consular organs of the imperialist countries headed by the United States in Shenyang, and to strengthen the management of foreign nationals. At the same time, the Shenyang military Administration will take a transitional approach to the alien's industries, church organizations and other problems which are difficult to solve in Shenyang, so as to prepare for the overall takeover in the future. Chen Yun summarizes the practical experience in time, which is of great significance to the foreign affairs takeover in other cities.
【作者单位】: 湖南师范大学历史学博士后流动站;浙江农林大学马克思主义学院;
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