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发布时间:2018-08-06 16:53
【摘要】:张之洞是“身系朝局疆域之重者四十年”的晚清重臣,虽然张之洞没有直接主持过外交事务,但他的外交思想对晚清政局有着重要的影响,其中他的对日外交思想的演变主要有三个阶段。 首先是1881年以前张之洞担任言官期间,他主张联日以抗俄。时值中俄交涉伊犁问题阶段,张之洞主张联日,一是为断俄后路,防止日俄勾结,二是日本国势轻微容易为我掌控。这主要受张之洞传统儒家教育背景和羁縻思想的影响。 其次是中法战争和甲午战争期间,张之洞主张联俄以阻日。这一时期张之洞专心于洋务运动,从清流派转向洋务派,认识到了富国强兵的重要性,但对日本认识不清,没有加强警惕。在甲午战争中张之洞一直坚持主战,在中日换约后还继续支持台湾人民自保运动。在清廷失败已成定局,张之洞试图通过结强援来抵制日本,他先后寻求英、俄的帮助,最终清廷与俄达成共识,结成联盟。在俄帮助下,中国收回了辽东半岛,全国兴起亲俄浪潮,但因此也埋下了忧患的种子。 再次是由俄德引起的瓜分中国狂潮序幕之后的阶段,张之洞主张全面联日。德国的入侵胶州事件,俄国的占领旅大,表示联俄政策的彻底失败,张之洞迫切需要找到一个可以代替俄德的联盟对象。日本此时又向清廷示好,张之洞在综合考虑之下,决定全面学习日本,派遣留学生和引进日本顾问,指导中国的新政改革。
[Abstract]:Zhang Zhidong was an important official in the late Qing Dynasty. Although Zhang Zhidong had not directly presided over foreign affairs, his diplomatic thought had an important influence on the political situation of the late Qing Dynasty. There are three stages in the evolution of his diplomatic thoughts towards Japan. First, before 1881, when Zhang Zhidong was a speaker, he advocated a union with Japan against Russia. At the time when China and Russia negotiate the Ili issue, Zhang Zhidong advocates that Japan should be linked to Japan, one is to break Russia's rear road and prevent Japanese-Russian collusion, and the other is that the Japanese power is slightly easier to control for me. This is mainly influenced by Zhang Zhidong's traditional Confucian educational background and Jimi thought. Secondly, during the Sino-French War and the Sino-Japanese War, Zhang Zhidong advocated the alliance of Russia and Israel against Japan. During this period, Zhang Zhidong focused on the Westernization Movement and changed from the Qing school to the Westernist school, and realized the importance of a rich country and a strong army, but he did not understand Japan clearly and did not strengthen his vigilance. During the Sino-Japanese War, Zhang Zhidong persisted in the main battle and continued to support the Taiwan people's self-preservation movement after the Sino-Japanese treaty. The defeat of the Qing court had become a foregone conclusion. Zhang Zhidong tried to resist Japan by making a strong aid. He sought the help of Britain and Russia, and finally reached a consensus with Russia and formed an alliance. With the help of Russia, China reclaimed the Liaodong Peninsula, and a wave of pro-Russia rose all over the country, but it also sowed the seeds of suffering. Again, after the prelude to the Chinese frenzy caused by Russia and Germany, Zhang Zhidong advocated full association with Japan. The German invasion of Jiaozhou and the Russian occupation brigade indicated that the United Russia policy had completely failed, and Zhang Zhidong urgently needed to find an alliance object that could replace Russia and Germany. At this time, Japan again to the Qing court, Zhang Zhidong under the overall consideration, decided to learn from Japan, send overseas students and the introduction of Japanese consultants to guide China's New deal reform.


相关期刊论文 前10条

1 欧阳跃峰;张之洞洋务思想论析[J];安徽史学;1994年04期

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3 钟康模;论张之洞在中法战争期间抵御外侮的思想及实践[J];广东社会科学;1990年04期

4 陈旭霞;1980年以来张之洞研究综述[J];河北师院学报(社会科学版);1997年01期

5 郝祥满;;论张之洞调整中日俄三角关系的外交主张[J];湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2010年01期

6 邱荣裕;张之洞“亲日”外交倾向刍议[J];华侨大学学报(人文社会科学版);2001年01期

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8 黎仁凯,乔丽荣;近二十年来张之洞研究概述[J];近代史研究;1998年04期

9 田锡富;张之洞与中日甲午战争[J];江汉论坛;1994年12期

10 石培华;张之洞的洋务实践及其思想[J];江海学刊;1999年01期

相关硕士学位论文 前2条

1 宁宁;论张之洞外交思想[D];安徽大学;2005年

2 祝婷婷;张之洞与晚清政局[D];辽宁师范大学;2007年




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