[Abstract]:Northeast Asia can be said to be the only region on the earth that is still under the cold war system against the trend of the cold war. The multilateral security cooperation in the region has made some achievements since the 1990s, but the level of cooperation is only equivalent to the initial stage of EU multilateral security cooperation in the early 1960s. This is mainly due to the existence of history, territorial problems, the tendency to attach importance to bilateralism and the lack of full recognition of the common security threats among the countries in Northeast Asia. Although there is the Asia-Pacific region forum (ARF), which is the governmental framework for multilateral security cooperation in Northeast Asia, in fact, because it is operating under the leadership of ASEAN, compared with the security problems in Northeast Asia, The mechanism pays more attention to the security problems in Southeast Asia. Although the Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation Council (CSCAP) and the Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD) have a cooperative system in the civilian sphere, the results of the cooperation can hardly be reflected in the policies of various countries in the 21st century because of the non-governmental operation. All neighbouring countries except the DPRK have recognized the importance of multilateral cooperation and have shown a positive attitude, and they have recognized the need to achieve multilateral cooperation in North-East Asia, We must first resolve a series of Korean Peninsula issues, including the Korean nuclear issue, which poses a major threat to the stability of Northeast Asia. Against this background, the six-party talks on the Korean nuclear issue as a solution to the North Korean nuclear issue have emerged. The mechanism is addressing the obstacles that affect the creation of a multilateral security cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia, and in particular promoting the participation of the DPRK. The accumulation of experience in multilateral security cooperation among countries in the region is of great significance. At the same time, the participating countries also jointly recognized that peace in North-East Asia would require ongoing consultations and discussions on security issues in the region and decided, under the Joint statement of 9 / 19 and the Agreement 2.13, The operation of Northeast Asia Peace and Security system practice Group makes it possible to establish multilateral security cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia in the future. Making full use of the propulsion power of the six-party talks on the North Korean nuclear issue and advancing in stages, In the future, Northeast Asia can also produce the "Northeast Asia Security Cooperation Mechanism", which is similar to the European Union Security Cooperation Mechanism (OSCE), which has a comprehensive discussion on the security issues among Northeast Asian countries.
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