[Abstract]:Since the Obama administration came to power, it has actively promoted the new thinking of diplomacy, and clearly put forward "skillful power" diplomacy as a new way to adjust its diplomacy. Hillary Clinton described it as "restoring American global leadership by dexterous use of all policy tools at the disposal of the United States, including diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal and cultural means." As the U.S. strategy moves eastward, the Obama administration proposes six ways to implement the Asia-Pacific strategy, the first of which is to strengthen the bilateral security alliance and combine the two. The United States is bound to apply "skillful power" diplomacy to the process of strengthening the alliance. This paper takes "skillful power" diplomacy as the research object, from the angle of practical application, analyzes the reasons why the Obama administration applied "skillful power" diplomacy to the alliance, the concrete practice mode and the influence. As well as the development trend of "skillful power" diplomacy in alliance, the basic structure of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part, the basic analysis of the concept of "skillful power". First of all, the origin and connotation of the concept of "skillful strength" are expounded, and then three characteristics of "skillful power" are analyzed: comprehensiveness, internal and external interactivity and relative variability. These characteristics provide a huge space for the United States to apply "skillful power" to the alliance, so that the concept can obtain tension in the actual need and be translated into foreign policy. The second part is the reason for the Obama administration's diplomacy with allies. In this part, this article from the alliance to face the threat of diversification, After the financial crisis, the relative decline of American national power and the structural change and the complexity of contradictions in Northeast Asia are analyzed to analyze the reasons why the United States practices "skillful power" diplomacy in the alliance. Based on these realistic factors, the United States actively applies "skillful power" diplomacy to its allies and plays a game with it in order to obtain the greatest national interests. The third part, the diplomatic practice of "skillful power" in the alliance. By analyzing the overall framework of the United States' implementation of "skillful power" diplomacy in the alliance, starting from the two aspects of strengthening the hard power of the United States in various directions and enhancing the soft power of the alliance, and combining with concrete examples, This paper discusses in detail how the United States practices diplomacy of skillful power in its alliance. It also reveals that the Obama administration's application of "skillful power" diplomacy to the alliance is only an expedient measure to strengthen the alliance relationship under the circumstances of the relative decline in American national strength, and it is only a change in means and methods, not a fundamental change in strategy. The fourth part is the evaluation of the diplomatic practice of skillful power in the alliance. This part first discusses the influence of "skillful power" diplomacy on the alliance after it is carried out in the alliance. Through the "skillful power" diplomacy, the United States has achieved the purpose of synthetically tying up its allies, making up for the decline of its own strength, and deterring its opponents in an all-round way. Secondly, to explore the essence of "skillful power" diplomacy is to realize and safeguard the national interests of the United States through the reform of traditional diplomatic means. Finally, it analyzes the trend of the development of the diplomacy of skillful power in the alliance. In a word, the Obama administration's application of "skillful power" diplomacy to the alliance is a bold diplomatic transformation and a clever means for the United States to strengthen its alliance and realize its hegemony. If "skillful power" diplomacy plays well, the alliance relationship will be strengthened more and more, and the "skillful power" diplomacy will increase the alliance's fragility. Whether the diplomacy of skillful power can continue to develop in the alliance in the future, and how to develop, depends on many reasons, and the result remains to be seen.
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