[Abstract]:The combination of vertical and horizontal is an important strategic wisdom formed during the warring States period in ancient China. This paper first combs the strategic thoughts of ancient China, and compares them with the hegemony theory, alliance theory and balance of power theory in western strategic thought. On the basis of this comparison, this paper comprehensively analyzes the essence of American strategy towards China at the global and regional levels. At the same time, it probes into China's practice of adopting vertical and horizontal strategy in the world and its periphery, and evaluates its effectiveness. It can be seen that the United States' strategy towards China is mainly horizontal, with emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region, and it implements the strategy of containment and engagement with China with the help of a strong bilateral alliance system. At the same time, the United States pays attention to the degree of strategic flexibility, in the South China Sea and other peripheral issues in the implementation of a longitudinal strategy, in conjunction with other South China Sea claim countries in the international arena to jointly face China. On the other hand, China's strategy towards the United States is to combine other influential power centers in the world, including traditional European powers such as Britain, France and Germany, as well as BRICS countries such as Russia, to counterbalance the United States in certain areas. In addition, in the face of the situation in the South China Sea, China can adopt a strategy of disintegration. Through the comparison of the two strategies, we find that both of them need certain strategic conditions to support them, in which the effectiveness of the linkage is more obvious, the execution of the strategy is higher, and the strength of the implementers is stronger. After analyzing the strength of China and the international position, we think that the United States has a broad alliance system, and it has natural advantages to adopt the continuous and horizontal strategy, while the implementation of China's vertical strategy has many practical limitations. China's response should be not to give up its grand strategy of cooperation with the United States, and to pay more attention to creating a favorable vertical situation for China in some areas. In addition, it should make great efforts in the strategy of linking and crossing, and create a situation that occupies an active position in the South China Sea and the Asia-Pacific alliance of the United States. Better serve the national strategy.
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