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发布时间:2018-08-24 11:18
[Abstract]:Before the founding of the people's Republic of China, the United Kingdom sought the views of the United States on the factual recognition of the local political power of the Chinese Communists. However, the United States insisted on continuing to recognize the national government and tried to persuade Britain to maintain consistency with the United States in the matter of recognition; after the founding of the people's Republic of China, In order to safeguard its interests in China and Southeast Asia, Britain decided to grant New China legal recognition, and adopted a different policy from the United States. During the negotiation phase of the de facto recognition policy, Britain's intention to recognize and seek allies in the international community disrupted the United States' policy arrangements. The recognition policy of the United States gradually became clear at this stage, from the initial uncertainty to the final decision to deny the Communist regime the fact of recognition. At the stage of consultation on the policy of legal recognition, after the United Kingdom made clear to the United States its determination to recognize the new China by law, the policy of the United States displayed a dual character. On the one hand, it indicated that certain conditions could be met before the new China could be recognized, and expressed dissatisfaction with the British rush to act. But on the other hand, it made some concessions and acquiescence to the recognition of the new China law. Anglo-American policy on recognition appears to have been settled, but this has not led to a split between the two countries' policies in the far East. As a result of the adjustment of American forces in the far East, even if the British acknowledged that the new China had little impact on the far East interests of the United States, and the British recognition did not mean a compromise with the communist forces, The British side has repeatedly stressed its guard against the expansion of the power, so the UK and the United States still hold a common position on the issue of the far East.


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