[Abstract]:Culture, as an important part of national soft power, aroused widespread concern after the Cold War, and cultural diplomacy also entered a prosperous era. Since the independence of Singapore, the diplomatic achievements have been remarkable, with the reputation of "big diplomacy of small countries". As one of the effective forms of diplomacy, cultural diplomacy plays a special role in Singapore's diplomatic strategy. Singapore has developed from a "cultural desert" in the early years of the founding of the people's Republic of China to an international cultural metropolis. Singapore's cultural construction and cultural foreign policy have undergone some changes. Based on the theory of cultural capital, soft power and constructivism, this paper studies Singapore's cultural diplomacy and discusses how the latter countries should apply cultural diplomacy at different stages of their development, taking the theme of culture-soft power as the starting point and the theories of cultural capital, soft power and constructivism as the basis. And combine it with other forms of diplomacy to better promote national interests. The article is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction, which summarizes the significance of this paper, domestic research status and research methods. The second part is divided into three chapters: the first chapter defines the concept of culture and cultural diplomacy, and briefly describes the characteristics, functions and development of cultural diplomacy. To study the background and preparation conditions of Singapore's cultural diplomacy, including the cultural basis, background reasons and Singapore's cultural construction, and then to analyze the development of Singapore's cultural diplomacy; By analyzing the evolution of cultural diplomacy in Singapore's diplomatic strategy, the third chapter discusses the achievements and challenges of Singapore's cultural diplomacy. The last part is the conclusion of the article, further thinking and shortcomings.
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