[Abstract]:The terrorist attacks of 11 September made the United States soberly aware that terrorism had become a major threat to the national security and national interests of the United States, and that most of the terrorists responsible for the 11 September attacks came from the Middle East, The Islamic region of the Middle East is regarded by the United States as a breeding ground for terrorism in today's world. After repeated brewing and planning, the United States has issued the "Greater Middle East Plan", which tries to eliminate terrorism and safeguard the hegemonic superiority of the United States in the Middle East through "democratic transformation of the Islamic world". However, the implementation of the "Greater Middle East Plan" has not developed in the direction expected by the United States. This is mainly due to the following reasons: from the point of view of the Middle East region, the region has its own particularity in terms of its vast territory, religion, politics, economy, and way of governance. The situation is very complicated, and there is still strong anti-American sentiment and even anti-Americanism. From the perspective of the United States itself, the theoretical basis for carrying out the "Greater Middle East Plan", such as the theory of historical termination and the theory of democratic peace, cannot stand up to scrutiny. The bias of theory will inevitably lead to action errors. In addition, the United States has underestimated the complexity of the world and overestimated its own strength, thus failing to do so. In other respects, its actions will be constrained by the powers of the European Union, Russia and China. There is also a deeper factor in the frustration of the Greater Middle East project, the clash of civilizations. Huntington discovered the existence of the clash of civilizations and the law of regional distribution. The differences between the two civilizations, which are based on their respective religions, are great or even incompatible, so it is difficult for civilization to dialogue and clash with each other. All these factors show that the setback of the Greater Middle East Project is inevitable.
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