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发布时间:2018-08-29 12:59
【摘要】:恐怖主义是威胁当代国际安全、困扰国际社会最大的“毒瘤”,有人将它与政治腐败、环境污染列为21世纪人类面临的三大威胁,恐怖主义活动已经对世界的和平与发展构成巨大威胁,“9.11”事件后,打击和防范恐怖主义成为了国际社会和各国安全活动的主题,国际合作反恐受到国际组织和各国的广泛重视,已经在多个层次、多个领域展开合作。 中国也长期面临着各种恐怖主义的威胁,包括来自“东突”、“藏独”等极端分裂分子的威胁和国际恐怖主义活动对中国的波及和影响,随着社会的发展,一些新型的恐怖袭击也可能威胁到中国的国家安全。中国反对一切形式的恐怖主义,反对在恐怖主义问题上实施双重标准,为了能够有效地保证国家安全,中国不仅需要通过立法和健全组织机构来加强国内反恐能力,还需要积极参与到双边、区域、全球性的国际反恐合作中去,这不仅可以强化反恐怖斗争,还可以拓展其他国际合作领域并深化与相关国家的关系,在稳健合作的基础上寻求国际反恐怖合作的拓展与深入。 中国在积极参与国际反恐怖合作的同时,还必须充分认清自己的定位,在双边、区域及全球反恐合作中不仅要找好合作的切入点,还要对合作国家进行深入细致的研究,认清并有效地应对国际反恐怖斗争存在的霸权主义和其他错误倾向,在反恐怖斗争中坚定中国的反恐怖理念并增强中国的软实力,为中国的繁荣与稳定创造良好的国际环境。
[Abstract]:Terrorism is the biggest "cancer" that threatens contemporary international security and puzzles the international community. Some people have listed it as the three major threats facing mankind in the 21st century with political corruption and environmental pollution. Terrorist activities have posed a great threat to world peace and development. After the events of 11 September, the fight against and prevention of terrorism has become the main theme of the security activities of the international community and States. International cooperation in anti-terrorism has received extensive attention from international organizations and countries, and cooperation has been carried out at many levels and in many fields. China has also been confronted with various terrorist threats for a long time, including the threat from the "East Turkistan", "Tibetan independence" and other extremist separatists and the spread and impact of international terrorist activities on China. With the development of society, Some new terrorist attacks may also threaten China's national security. China is opposed to all forms of terrorism and the application of double standards on the issue of terrorism. In order to effectively guarantee national security, China needs not only to strengthen its domestic counter-terrorism capacity through legislation and sound organization. It also requires active participation in bilateral, regional and global international counter-terrorism cooperation, which not only strengthens the fight against terrorism, but also expands other areas of international cooperation and deepens relations with relevant countries. Seek the expansion and depth of international anti-terrorist cooperation on the basis of steady cooperation. While actively participating in international anti-terrorist cooperation, China must also fully recognize its own position. In bilateral, regional and global counter-terrorism cooperation, it must not only find a good entry point for cooperation, but also conduct in-depth and meticulous research on cooperative countries. To recognize and effectively deal with the hegemonism and other erroneous tendencies existing in the international struggle against terrorism, to strengthen China's anti-terrorist concept and strengthen China's soft power in the struggle against terrorism, and to create a good international environment for China's prosperity and stability.


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