[Abstract]:This paper summarizes and analyzes the research status of value diplomacy in domestic academic circles, and defines value diplomacy theoretically. Based on the research in academic circles, this paper argues that values and diplomacy influence each other, and cultural values define the determinants of diplomatic decision-making in a deep level, such as alternatives, and through different actors. Taking the value diplomacy of EU countries toward China as an example, this paper reveals that values and economic factors intertwine and influence each other in Sino-European relations, which may become the main obstacles to the further development of Sino-European relations. In addition, the dissertation dialectically analyzes the "universal value", which recognizes that some Western values are meaningful to all mankind and can be used for reference by us. It also refutes a Western European universal values that has the final say that the United States and Europe want to dominate the world of value ethics. The paper points out the deficiency of China's diplomacy in coping with value diplomacy, that is, lacking the guidance of core values and lagging behind the new trend of international situation and diplomatic development. Attaching importance to the strength of civil society and the Internet world, adapting to the new changes in diplomatic development as soon as possible, and rationally and effectively safeguarding China's interests and international image.
In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into five chapters and conclusions. The first chapter is a literature review of the research status of value diplomacy in China's academic circles.
The second chapter discusses the relationship between cultural values and diplomacy, that is, how cultural values influence diplomacy, and how diplomacy reacts to culture. Firstly, this chapter discusses the role of cultural values in defining diplomacy, and analyzes the influence of cultural values on different actors, that is, through leaders, people, organizations and other diplomatic decisions. The policy has different and multi-angle influence and function. Then this chapter discusses the decision-making mode of value diplomacy, and tries to give the decision-making behavior diagram of multi-actors and value diplomacy.
The third chapter is relatively brief, mainly reviewing the EU-China values diplomacy in recent years. Firstly, this chapter briefly reviews the major events of EU countries'values diplomacy toward China in recent years. On this basis, it points out that EU countries' attacks on China can not be simply classified as values diplomacy on many occasions, but should recognize the EU countries. The value diplomacy and the economic oppression are often intertwined and interacted. To a great extent, this kind of value diplomacy is only a diplomatic tool to exert pressure on China.
Chapter Four is an in-depth discussion and analysis of the causes of values diplomacy.It is undeniable that there are differences and divergences in values between Europeans and Chinese, which are manifested in the differences in cultural values between China and Europe and the different views on universal values. Then, this chapter compares and analyzes the values of China and Europe, and reveals to some extent the spiritual causes of the conflicts between China and Europe. The last part of this chapter dialectically analyzes the "universal values" and recognizes that some of the values of the West are to the whole. Humanity is meaningful and has a certain reference significance to us, but also refutes the European and American attempts to monopolize the discourse of values of the "universal Western values".
Chapter Five discusses how China should face the value-based diplomatic offensive launched by European countries, which belongs to policy analysis and policy suggestions. This chapter points out that China urgently needs a core value recognized by the people and accepted by the world to rebuild the soul of China's diplomacy in response to the ethical attack of the West. In addition, China's diplomacy should make good use of the Internet. Strength and social forces, actively carry out China's network diplomacy, so that the international community in the social network to recognize China, in the social network to shape China's national image.
In the concluding remarks, this paper expresses its concern about the development of China's diplomacy, and further points out that we should closely study the new developments and new situations of international politics, and attach importance to the normative factors and human values in international exchanges such as cultural values.
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