[Abstract]:Separatism threatens and impairs the integrity of national territory and sovereignty, and seriously endangers the international political order. It runs counter to international law and practice and undermines the stability and development of countries and regions. Since separatism directly threatens the core interests of the country, no country or government will tolerate separatism and will do its utmost to fight against it in order to safeguard the supreme interests and dignity of the country. This is a major responsibility of the state and the government. The wars between Greece and Turkey in the 1970s gave birth to Northern Cyprus. In the 1990s, the war between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and NATO led to the independence of Kosovo. The conflict between Russia and Georgia in the new century led Abkhazia and South Ossetia to declare independent states. Throughout these four entities, they are legally subordinate to an internationally recognized State with a settled population, established administrative boundaries, and an effective government, but lack of external conduct due to lack of international recognition. We call this category an "unrecognized non-state actor." (a) the vague status of these actors in the international community, which, without their recognition, has prevented them from entering into inter-State agreements with other States and from participating in international agreements in which sovereign States can participate; Internal instability does not attract international investment but spawns much illegal trade. As things stand, separation has not led to a better life for the local people. We should theoretically support our country's anti-secession activities through the study of no recognized non-state actors. Research methods: literature analysis, comparative analysis, case analysis, cross-disciplinary research methods in international law, recognition is one of the most difficult problems. Countries give or refuse recognition mainly out of political rather than legal considerations. In addition to national recognition, there is collective recognition. Membership in the United Nations has become the goal of many unrecognized non-state actors. In these four regions, there are serious problems of ethnic contradictions. With the intensification of ethnic contradictions and the interference of external forces, they declared their independence in violation of international law. The right to self-determination does not mean encouraging ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples within existing sovereign states to engage in separatist activities. These four unrecognized non-State actors have a significant influence on international relations, mainly reflected in: their independence has set a bad precedent and played a stimulating and encouraging role for other ethnic separatist forces. Due to the weakness of the state, the lack of contracting rights makes these areas a paradise of crime. At the same time, their emergence widened the gap between EU countries and worsened relations between the US and Europe with Russia. Unresolved territorial issues have also slowed the accession of the four region's original states to the EU. Division is not the best way to deal with ethnic problems.
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