[Abstract]:In the context of the United States' strategic "return to the Asia-Pacific", the Japanese Abe government has reassessed the strategic environment in East Asia and concluded that the North Korean nuclear issue, the North-South division of the Korean peninsula and the military confrontation, and the rise of China are the unstable factors in regional security. And led to the deterioration of the security environment in Japan. Under this cognition, Abe government set the strategic goal of East Asia as "positive pacifism" as the banner, through amending the constitution to strengthen the army, get rid of "post-war system", build "strong Japan", and finally establish the leading position of Japan in regional affairs. In terms of strategic layout, the Abe government, based on the basic principle of distant relations and close attacks, adopted the layout of advancing from the north to the south and striking the west from the east. In the path selection, it made a breakthrough in security, showcased its value diplomacy, promoted economic diplomacy, and emphasized its contribution. Bleaching history and other methods to promote the East Asia strategy. Abe's East Asia strategy will encounter many constraints: the United States is the shield of Japan's East Asia strategy, the historical problem is Japan's insurmountable threshold, and the economic strength will eventually hinder the realization of Abe's East Asia strategic ambition.
【作者单位】: 河南大学历史文化学院暨世界历史研究所;
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