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发布时间:2018-09-13 13:02
【摘要】: 国家兴衰,战略是关键。从行为科学上来讲,国家的战略选择是国家战略的实质,而国家战略选择的根基往往可以从一国之战略文化中找寻到。20世纪以来,美国对国际社会产生了巨大的影响,从英国的前殖民地到左右世界的超级大国,并且是目前世界上唯一的超级大国,美国的成长历程不能不引起各国的极度重视。美国的成长历程是一个美国全球战略孕育、形成、发展和成熟的过程。长期以来,美国的对外政策对世界和平与发展的影响很大,并成为国际体系的关键塑造者,所以研究美国对外战略的变化、把握其战略调整的规律对于分析国际形势、作出战略判断、明确战略目标并进行战略运筹具有重要的指导意义。另外,从中国和平崛起的角度来说,美国是中国发展的主要压力来源。理解美国的战略传统,历史演变进程对于正确处理中美关系,减少不必要的摩擦和冲突,规避美国风险,创造良好的对外环境意义重大。 本文运用战略文化的分析视角,通过战略文化与战略选择之间的关系,并融合新现实主义的理论,将理论、历史和现实有机结合起来进行分析,既关注国家实力与现实生存压力的影响,又关注国内文化对国家战略选择的影响,从战略文化特点、国际体系特点、国家利益、战略实力、战略目标定位以及战略运筹等多方面入手,用发展的眼光来看待美国战略文化的民族性和时代性,并从中进行归纳,从而更好地理解美国的战略特征和规律,总结其在战略崛起中的经验教训,以便将中国和平崛起与美国对外战略相结合,提出应对美国压力的方略。 第一章是全篇的引文,主要论述了选题的依据和研究方法;探讨了研究战略选择的几种理论视角,将中国战略研究的视角与西方战略研究的视角相比较,将战略文化作为全文研究的理论基础; 第二章是全文的主体,围绕美国全球战略的历程,将美国战略文化与美国战略选择相结合,从美国内在的特性来理解和解释美国的战略行为; 第三章是通过对第二章的概括,既总结得出美国全球战略演变的规律特点;又讲述了美国全球战略演变对中国战略崛起的启示,并且提出中国应对美国全球战略的几点意见,既要借鉴美国崛起的有益经验,又要规避与美国的正面冲突,减少中国崛起中的阻力,必须深入对美国、对中国战略文化的研究和应用,加强中美双方的交流互动,从而在更多地领域达成共识,以减少不必要的冲突摩擦。 第四章总结全文,既指出了美国战略文化的优点,又指出其不足,是中国战略崛起过程中所应该注意的地方。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of behavioral science, the strategic choice of a country is the essence of national strategy, and the foundation of national strategic choice can often be found in the strategic culture of a country. Since the 20th century, the United States has exerted tremendous influence on the international community, from Britain's former colonies to the superpowers around the world, and At present, the United States is the only superpower in the world, and the growth process of the United States can not but arouse the great attention of all countries. The growth process of the United States is a process of the United States global strategy gestation, formation, development and maturity. Therefore, it is of great significance for us to study the changes of American foreign strategy and grasp the rules of its strategic adjustment to analyze the international situation, make strategic judgments, clarify strategic objectives and carry out strategic operations. The process of historical evolution is of great significance for correctly handling Sino-US relations, reducing unnecessary friction and conflicts, avoiding American risks and creating a favorable external environment.
From the perspective of strategic culture, this paper analyzes the relationship between strategic culture and strategic choice, and combines the theory of new realism with the theory of theory, history and reality. It pays attention not only to the influence of national strength and realistic living pressure, but also to the influence of domestic culture on national strategic choice. Starting from the aspects of characteristics, international system characteristics, national interests, strategic strength, strategic target orientation and strategic operation research, this paper looks at the national and epochal characteristics of American strategic culture from the perspective of development and summarizes them so as to better understand the strategic characteristics and laws of the United States and summarize its experiences and lessons in the strategic rise. We will combine China's peaceful rise with the United States' foreign strategy and put forward a strategy to deal with the pressure of the United States.
The first chapter is a full-text citation, which mainly discusses the basis and research methods of the topic, discusses several theoretical perspectives of strategic choice, compares the perspective of Chinese strategic research with that of western strategic research, and regards strategic culture as the theoretical basis of the full-text study.
The second chapter is the main body of the full text, centering on the course of the U. S. global strategy, combining the U. S. strategic culture with the U. S. strategic choice to understand and explain the U. S. strategic behavior from the inherent characteristics of the U. S.
Chapter 3 summarizes the characteristics of the evolution of the U.S. global strategy and the Enlightenment of the evolution of the U.S. global strategy to the rise of China's strategy, and puts forward some suggestions on China's response to the U.S. global strategy, which should not only draw on the useful experience of the rise of the United States, but also avoid the positive conflict with the United States. To reduce the resistance of China's rise, we must go deep into the study and application of the United States and China's strategic culture, strengthen the exchanges and interaction between China and the United States, so as to reach consensus in more areas, so as to reduce unnecessary conflicts and frictions.
The fourth chapter summarizes the full text, pointing out both the advantages and disadvantages of American strategic culture, which should be paid attention to in the process of China's strategic rise.


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