[Abstract]:The purpose of this thesis is to prove the necessity and feasibility of the cooperation between China and la Francophonie by studying the current situation of the development of OIF and the foreign policy of China. La Francophonie, as an international organization advocating cultural and linguistic diversity, plays an increasingly important role in politics, culture and economy. In the context of deepening globalization, la Francophonie advocates the establishment of a multipolar international community based on the principle of cultural diversity. With the growth of economic strength, China's international position has rapidly improved, and its political position has aroused widespread concern in the international community. On the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, China advances with the times to establish a "harmonious international society" foreign policy. La Francophonie and China share a common understanding of the construction of the international community-respecting national diversity and building a multipolar world. Common values form the basis of cooperation between the two. Their cooperation will help to enhance their respective international status and contribute to world peace. La Francophonie cannot ignore the influence of China, an important international partner. China can also promote cultural exchange through the platform of la Francophonie, promote multilateral cooperation, and enhance its own soft power and international competitiveness. This paper will explore the form of cooperation and its feasibility and cooperation will be faced with the problems and challenges. This study will contribute to the deepening of China's understanding of the organization of la Francophonie and provide a useful way of thinking for strengthening cooperation with the French-speaking countries and cooperation with the organization of la Francophonie.
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