发布时间:2018-10-13 17:16
【摘要】: 论文以说明朝鲜半岛问题的由来及实质为基本出发点,对朝鲜半岛战略地位、朝鲜半岛当前局势演变的现状进行内部和外部的因素分析,通过朝鲜半岛当前的热点问题进行分析预测朝鲜半岛未来发展的几种可能,试图定位中国针对朝鲜半岛问题的基本态度,对朝鲜半岛局势的前景进行预测,并提出中国应对朝鲜半岛局势演变应采取的政策。 朝鲜半岛问题是东北亚问题的核心,可以说朝鲜半岛是打开东北亚战略格局的“钥匙”,朝鲜半岛局势的演变一直是国际社会关注的问题,也是当今世界最敏感、最复杂的热点问题,朝鲜半岛局势的演变不但关乎东北亚、亚太、乃至世界的和平与稳定。朝鲜半岛问题“冰冻三尺,绝非一日之寒”,这里又交缠着世界主要大国之间的利益。朝鲜半岛问题的产生不仅在于它独特的地理位置,还在于它南北分裂的特殊状态。朝鲜半岛是美、日、俄、中等四大国的利益交汇处。在朝鲜半岛问题上四大国各自的利益不尽相同。朝鲜半岛的分裂是冷战时期人为的产物。朝鲜半岛南北关系在50多年的分裂状态下有过缓和期和矛盾尖锐时期。朝鲜半岛南北双方在分裂的状态、各自不同的意识形态、社会发展水平不同、互相敌视等情况下在短时期内很难实现和平统一。但作为同一民族的两个国家人民都渴望统一。因此,朝鲜半岛的统一也可以说是历史发展的必然。但朝鲜半岛的统一路程将是一个曲折而漫长的道路。从目前的朝鲜半岛局势发展情况来看,围绕朝鲜两次核试验(2006年、2009年),朝鲜和美国、日本、韩国矛盾尖锐,也与中国和俄罗斯存在很大的分歧。自冷战结束后,朝鲜与前苏联和中国的同盟关系被解体,反而美国则加强了与日本和韩国的同盟关系。朝鲜成为了在东北亚区域内独自承受来自美日、美韩同盟压力的“缓冲地带”。从朝鲜发展核武器的动机来分析看,朝鲜主张为了防御来自美国的核威慑,保护本国的国家安全和国家利益而研发核武器。而从朝鲜半岛的战略地位对中国的重要性来说是近乎常识性问题。中国人过去常常用“唇齿相依”、“唇亡齿寒”等字眼形象地比喻中国与朝鲜半岛的特殊关系,这明了朝鲜半岛对中国的特殊重要意义。不论过去、现在还是将来,朝鲜半岛对中国的影响都是巨大的,它在某些程度上影响着中国的经济安全、政治安全甚至是军事安全。中国作为朝鲜半岛的邻国和大国应该在朝鲜半岛问题上有所作为,应积极提出应对朝鲜半岛局势演变的政策,为促进朝鲜半岛的和平进程,促进全世界的和谐发展做出贡献。
[Abstract]:Based on the explanation of the origin and essence of the Korean Peninsula issue, the paper analyzes the strategic position of the Korean Peninsula and the current situation of the Korean Peninsula, including the internal and external factors. Through the analysis and prediction of several possibilities for the future development of the Korean Peninsula through the current hot issues on the Korean Peninsula, this paper tries to locate China's basic attitude towards the Korean Peninsula issue and to predict the prospects of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. And put forward the policy that China should adopt to deal with the evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. The issue of the Korean Peninsula is the core of the issue of Northeast Asia. It can be said that the Korean Peninsula is the "key" to opening up the strategic pattern of Northeast Asia. The evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula has always been a matter of concern to the international community and is also the most sensitive issue in the world today. The most complex hot issues, the evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula not only related to Northeast Asia, Asia Pacific, and even the world peace and stability. The Korean Peninsula is a matter of ice, not a cold day. It intersects the interests of the world's major powers. The issue of the Korean Peninsula lies not only in its unique geographical location, but also in its special state of north-south division. The Korean peninsula is the United States, Japan, Russia, the interests of the four major countries. The four major countries have different interests on the Korean Peninsula issue. The division of the Korean peninsula was a man-made product of the cold war. The north-south relations of the Korean Peninsula had a period of detente and sharp contradiction under the split state of more than 50 years. It is difficult to achieve peaceful reunification in a short period of time when the two sides of the Korean Peninsula are divided, have different ideologies, different social development levels, and are hostile to each other. But the people of both nations, as the same people, yearn for unity. Therefore, the reunification of the Korean peninsula can also be said to be the inevitable development of history. But the road to reunification on the Korean peninsula will be a tortuous and long road. Judging from the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea and the United States, Japan and South Korea are in sharp conflict over the two North Korean nuclear tests (2006, 2009), and there are also great differences with China and Russia. Since the end of the Cold War, North Korea's alliance with the former Soviet Union and China has been broken down, while the United States has strengthened its alliance with Japan and South Korea. North Korea has become a buffer zone in Northeast Asia to bear the pressure from the United States and Japan, the United States and South Korea alliance. Judging from the motivation of North Korea to develop nuclear weapons, North Korea advocates the development of nuclear weapons in order to defend nuclear deterrence from the United States and protect its national security and national interests. The strategic position of the Korean Peninsula is almost common-sense to China. In the past, the Chinese used to use the words "lips and teeth dependent" and "lip death and tooth cold" to describe the special relationship between China and the Korean Peninsula, which clearly shows the special significance of the Korean Peninsula to China. In the past, now and in the future, the Korean peninsula has a great impact on China, which to some extent affects China's economic security, political security and even military security. China, as a neighboring country and great power of the Korean Peninsula, should make some achievements on the Korean Peninsula issue, actively propose a policy to deal with the evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and contribute to promoting the peace process on the Korean Peninsula and promoting the harmonious development of the whole world.
[Abstract]:Based on the explanation of the origin and essence of the Korean Peninsula issue, the paper analyzes the strategic position of the Korean Peninsula and the current situation of the Korean Peninsula, including the internal and external factors. Through the analysis and prediction of several possibilities for the future development of the Korean Peninsula through the current hot issues on the Korean Peninsula, this paper tries to locate China's basic attitude towards the Korean Peninsula issue and to predict the prospects of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. And put forward the policy that China should adopt to deal with the evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. The issue of the Korean Peninsula is the core of the issue of Northeast Asia. It can be said that the Korean Peninsula is the "key" to opening up the strategic pattern of Northeast Asia. The evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula has always been a matter of concern to the international community and is also the most sensitive issue in the world today. The most complex hot issues, the evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula not only related to Northeast Asia, Asia Pacific, and even the world peace and stability. The Korean Peninsula is a matter of ice, not a cold day. It intersects the interests of the world's major powers. The issue of the Korean Peninsula lies not only in its unique geographical location, but also in its special state of north-south division. The Korean peninsula is the United States, Japan, Russia, the interests of the four major countries. The four major countries have different interests on the Korean Peninsula issue. The division of the Korean peninsula was a man-made product of the cold war. The north-south relations of the Korean Peninsula had a period of detente and sharp contradiction under the split state of more than 50 years. It is difficult to achieve peaceful reunification in a short period of time when the two sides of the Korean Peninsula are divided, have different ideologies, different social development levels, and are hostile to each other. But the people of both nations, as the same people, yearn for unity. Therefore, the reunification of the Korean peninsula can also be said to be the inevitable development of history. But the road to reunification on the Korean peninsula will be a tortuous and long road. Judging from the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea and the United States, Japan and South Korea are in sharp conflict over the two North Korean nuclear tests (2006, 2009), and there are also great differences with China and Russia. Since the end of the Cold War, North Korea's alliance with the former Soviet Union and China has been broken down, while the United States has strengthened its alliance with Japan and South Korea. North Korea has become a buffer zone in Northeast Asia to bear the pressure from the United States and Japan, the United States and South Korea alliance. Judging from the motivation of North Korea to develop nuclear weapons, North Korea advocates the development of nuclear weapons in order to defend nuclear deterrence from the United States and protect its national security and national interests. The strategic position of the Korean Peninsula is almost common-sense to China. In the past, the Chinese used to use the words "lips and teeth dependent" and "lip death and tooth cold" to describe the special relationship between China and the Korean Peninsula, which clearly shows the special significance of the Korean Peninsula to China. In the past, now and in the future, the Korean peninsula has a great impact on China, which to some extent affects China's economic security, political security and even military security. China, as a neighboring country and great power of the Korean Peninsula, should make some achievements on the Korean Peninsula issue, actively propose a policy to deal with the evolution of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and contribute to promoting the peace process on the Korean Peninsula and promoting the harmonious development of the whole world.
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