[Abstract]:China's initiative on the maritime Silk Road in the 21st century will provide an important impetus and opportunity for China-ASEAN cooperation, and will help to promote multi-level, wide-field and all-round cooperation. However, the practical difficulties in the South China Sea dispute will greatly restrict the construction of sea passage along the 21st century maritime Silk Road. Therefore, the construction of land passage from southwest China to the Indian Ocean through the construction of the Indochina Peninsula is likely to be a priority for the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. For China, taking Sino-Thai relations as the strategic fulcrum is not only conducive to promoting subregional cooperation in the Indochina Peninsula, but also helps to enhance the enthusiasm and self-confidence of ASEAN countries in their cooperation with China.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院;
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